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Everything posted by Pestvic

  1. Thats the thing the grain wasn't after the headstock. It basically goes perpendicular. Thats why I only used what I used. Its ok though. I Save and use the peices for other stuff. Making little knicknacks and what not. Nothings wasted :-P But I liked the Idea of a laminated neck. Ill have to see if they can be used.
  2. Truss rod channel routed Tip I learned here on the board. Add Hot Glue in the Truss rod channel and then put the truss rod in right away so it sits nicely in the channel. This keeps it snug and prevents the truss rod from rattling if the channel isnt perfectly tight. My first channel wasn't and rattled. I dont have that problem this time but I added it anyway (First guitar I made the two way truss rod rattled.) Installed, PERFECT fit haha forgot to take pics (ill get some in the morning) but I routed out the chambers and control cavity on the body too
  3. Thats what I Had in mind, which is why I had said "(unless I only routed it to 1/2")" cause thats what I measured for the back carve. Also, The Treble side is that thick cause its the control cavity. I dont need it bigger than where the controls end and what not :-P
  4. Can you give a picture example of that top? I'm going to do a Black sanded back Red top for my build. I'm sure The Fool Guy as well as I would love to see your top to see if we want to try it? just tried to search and found nothing. Is there a write up on how to make these?
  5. So this was the plan. But now that I sharpied it... it looks like over kill haha... The brown is where the back carve will interfere with the chamber (unless I only routed it to 1/2") The black is where I would chamber it deeper for sure. Any Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions for tones and or if I should or shouldn't do this? Thanks everyone! You are really helping me plan this all the way through for the best results
  6. PRS is no stranger to one piece tops with angled figure I think they look great as well! Examples: sorry about the last pic. dont know how to set the resize to a smaller size :-P
  7. Very awesome! makes me worry less about my build. Its 15 millimeters more thick than yours. But i'm Chambering it and carving it so it should be light and look good Keep the pics coming!
  8. awesome info guys thanks Looks Like I'll be building very soon
  9. good to know. I was just wondering on this cause I heard it affects feedback and sustain and such. Is there a way you can test some of those qualities? thanks
  10. Would it help if I posted a pic of where I planned on putting the chambers? Keep in mind I just realized I need to make room for the back carve too, so it will change but I will post the ideas for input in the morning But as for your picture. I plan on leaving the whole center of the guitar untouched for the trem and pickups and such. Is this a completely different style?
  11. I have a question guys. If I decided to chamber the body out. (not much but in the usual spots) would this help the guitar resonate more/ be louder when unplugged? Or would it take away resonance? I'm Looking to get the best resonance. Thanks again! Also to prevent people asking if ive searched, I have. Still looking on this board and also found this board. http://www.seymourduncan.com/forum/showthread.php?p=888715 Where they talk kinda 50-50 on if it sounds better and or sustains better.
  12. Wow that carve made this look Great! Love how thin it looks but I can tell it was thick to start with. how thick is the guitar without carves?
  13. This has got to be the coolest thing ever!! haha
  14. hmm well the back can definitely be planed down, as for the top... idk? you could do the same but it would thin out the outside faux binding?
  15. Ok so I finally started some more work and decided on more building. (I'm Taking all the time in the world on this build because the last two I was a noob and rushed them.) I want this guitar to look at least 70% as amazing as the guitars you guys build haha Anyway, So I decided to keep the same scale length I always play on which is PRS's 25" Scale length and removed a fret board from a previous build I didn't like anymore. I used the Steam/Iron/Knife combo to pry it away. I got it perfectly off until the 1st fret (started on the 24th). The wedges I had prying the fretboard up as I went along the fret board I guess had to much force and snapped the fret board right in half at the 1st fret. the rest of the Damage went under the 2nd fret so it wasn't bad at all. I forgot to take a picture cause i immediately wanted to repair it. Here it is being clamped. after repairing it, I leveled the backside of the damage. AWESOME haha Couldnt even see the break line. So I leveled the rest of the back of the fret board and it sits perfectly flush along the new neck mahogany and the frets stayed pretty much perfect (checked with a straight edge) So here is the Repaired fretboard at its first fret sitting perfectly on the mahogany. Im so glad it wasn't a problem. You cant even tell where the break line is anymore. I would work on it more and rout in the truss rod tonight but I cant cause its late and I dont have a garage to do it in... I Envy your guy's shops haha So anyway... Tomorrow's plan is... I will rout the trus rod channel, hot glue it in (to stop rattling), then glue the fretboard on. After that I will rough cut the neck and flush it up to the fretboard. Then comes the rasp and shaping the back of the neck. once I got the shaping done im going to start laying out the cuts for the neck to match the body. Also, I'm going to thickness the back of the body(only got to take off 3/8ths off the back if you guys have a good solution as to how to get that done easiest) From there I can glue in the neck then glue on the top. YAY haha. Lots of work but I will be free all day so it should be good
  16. OMG haha Keep the wood porn coming! I love that 1 inch top. I might just leave the full top and carve it and then keep the back thick. Im just leaning toward a thick guitar like you guys mentioned so I can just continue the build. How good is thick for resonance and sound? The neck will be all Mahogany too. So I'm looking to get that nice perfect buttery mahogany tone with a pop of bright from the maple. (7/8" thick Maple top)
  17. damn that looks good! man all these factors in what im trying to decide to do. but its better to plan out everything exactly how you want it before you continue Thanks everyone.
  18. Well that's exactly it. Half inch top would be enough to give the depth of a carved and shaped top while leaving enough maple to have a Faux Natural binding around the guitar. which is what I'm after anyway :-P. Anyway Build has been put on hold to put these factors into a decision and Also waiting on the trip to the woodshop. Friend had a big fight with the wife and couldnt take us to the contractor. So I'll update when I can, But keep the opinions coming!
  19. Actually Its going to leave me right at 1 3/4" which is 1/8" Inch bigger than my ibanez. It should be just enough Did you factor in blade width, drift and leveling after? Actually I Was thinking that 1/8 would be enough I'll see what I can do. I actually though about another option. Cutting the mahogany Just right where I have a thicker body for this guitar, but enough mahogany for the 7 strings body in the center. Like I was going to split another maple top in half and have it maple top, mahogany center and maple back. I'll work it out for sure though. I've been doing a lot of layouts and measurements and marks lately. If anything ill just thickness both these pieces and then buy more mahogany for the 7 string. Probably the best bet... haha Just trying to save where I can to get some tools. Actually you know what would help? How much top do you guys recommend for having a nice carved top? About half an inch? If anything I can start thickenessing the guitar from the half inch spot on the maple.
  20. Actually Its going to leave me right at 1 3/4" which is 1/8" Inch bigger than my ibanez. It should be just enough
  21. WOO! thanks to a good friend of mine I'm hopefully going to a woodworking shop tomorrow to split the mahogany clean in half. This should give me enough for two body's (thinner guitars like I wanted anyway). I already have the wood for another top as well so I'm going to take that and joint it together. So having two bodys and a two tops means simultaneous builds. One a 6 String and a Second a 7 string! So stay tuned for that
  22. Yeah I definitely plan on making this Chambered for weight. Also the carves and such. I dont think its going to be much of a problem. I guess its just a look thing in my opinion now haha (its 2 9/16" right now btw.) Maybe I'll just shave down the guitar to 2 3/8"? Then again I like the look of a thinner looking guitar. Hm....
  23. Alrighty, Took the mahogany out of the clamps and rough cut the mahogany. This is so thick! I was thinking I could easily make a All mahogany guitar with this block! haha. But I love the top to much. Hmmm... Maybe I should save the top for another build? hmm... If not ill have to thickness the mahogany... :-P
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