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wood is good

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Posts posted by wood is good

  1. 1. If your going to build the body and neck, you need the templates first. Get your templates, then see what size wood you need according to your templates.

    2. Depends on what kind of wood your looking for. Mahogany and bubigna get large enough for 1 piece bodies, walnut and alder are not that wide.

    3. the scarf joint doesnt make a difference in wood size for the neck. Its still the same length either way. The only way it would make it easier is if you scared a shorter piece, and then used a different piece for the headstock.

    4. Wood prices vary EXTREMELY from state to state. You have to find out what prices are like around your area.

    5. Veneer on a set neck: Are you talking about putting it on a guitar that already has a neck glued in, or just a set neck guitar that you would build? If its before you glue the neck in, its no different, its fine. It would be quite hard to put a veneer on a guitar that already has a neck glued in.

  2. On the note of the frets being level enough after seating. What type of straightedge was used to measure how level the frets were. Or the fretboard itself for that matter. A hardware store grade straightedge, has a good chance of not being flat enough. A job like that needs to be done with a precision straight edge.

    Well, if its not buzzing anywhere, and all the notes produce the right notes (just a few ticks off from exact) then doesnt that mean the frets are perfectly level?

    I diddnt say my tuner doesnt pick up open string notes. Where did you guys get that from? I just said it doesnt pick up some. Like it wont pick up any notes on the low e untilt he 5th fret. But it does work open. Its a brand new korg tuner, its a nice one.

    It could be the nut, but how would that affect the middle frets?

    Its not the action, the action is fine.

    Like i said, with the tuner, it only says its just a few ticks off on middle frets from being perfectly intonated. but i just sounds like its a whole lot worse than what the tuner shows.

  3. It was a pre slotted board from LMI, so i know thats not it. The actions is really low on the high strings, but due to an inadequate neck angle, it is a little high on the bass side. Well, just the E and A strings are a bit high. I use an assemetrical neck angle, so that the high strings have a lower action.

    But, this has never happened before. What gets me is that the tuner says that its not that far off when i fret those notes. but it sounds like its horribly out of tune.

  4. I have just finished my third guitar, well, a few weeks ago that is.

    Only 1 thing wrong. It has horrible intonation issues!!!! When tuned to pitch, its right on at the 12th fret. But on the 5-9 frets on the A D and G strings, it sounds horrbily off. It is only off a few tics on those notes though. I dont know why its sounding so out of tune. And i cant check at the first fret, because my tuner doesnt pick up those notes. Any tips?

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