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Posts posted by GuitarGuy

  1. I would of thought that a glass nut would not be strong enough to withstand the pressure of the strings and snap. You could always give it a go though.

    It held up power lines for years. I think it would work, modifying it would be the problem. As far as making them, a press mold could work (like how they make pyrex dishes).

    Cool idea but I dont think it is practical.

    They could be very pretty tho. Swirls and stuff like a marble.

  2. Judging by the pictures. (ive seen this tut before) its not that accurate. You may be able to get a resolution of about 10 thou. Not accurate at all and will have a noticable gap or the inlays won't fit.

    I'm looking into building somthing with a resolution of approximately .002 , Well thats the target anyway. To keep any kind of accuracy you will need linear slides on every axis and ball screws for the feed. Talkin big $.

    Controller/motors(with enough power, printer motors won't cut it) $450

    Linear slides off of ebay about $400 for 3 axis.

    Rolled ballscrews $300

    Materials and other odds and ends $300

    Not cheap by any stretch of the imagination. Sure you can build a cnc for under $500 but it will not be that accurate. A little too inacurate for guitar building. (usable for cutting rough shapes like balsa airplane parts)

  3. Honestly, not really. A body is probably the easiest part of building a guitar. The only reason one would want a cnc'd body is for production needs. But then having someone else build them makes the builder not really a custom builder.....kinda like OCC. Buy a bunch of parts and stick em together, not my idea of fun.

    Inlay's are about the only thing i could see having a need for.

    just my 0.02

  4. Hi, I've been comissioned to make a guitar hero controller for the game...but out of wood like a real guitar. Now, im trying to incorporate every guitar cliche i can think of. Including the "windmill" esque strap buttons in the center of the body.

    How is this pulled off? Is it just a button or does it have some sot of locking mechanism?

  5. Hi there, I'm Ricky from Indonesia.

    I have a plan to build some guitars for myself, and I think CNC will be good enough.

    My questions are:

    1. Is there any downside of using CNC, and will the result better than handmade?

    2. What kind of CNC machine should I use and where to buy?

    I live in Jakarta, Indonesia (a very beautiful country :D), and I think it's hard to find CNC here, can I buy it from ACE hardware?

    Thank you, guys :D

    Pop the word cnc in google. I don't think you quite grasp the concept yet. An entry level cnc machine is $6000 - $8000 US. Software will be around $2K unless you go with cheap homebrew stuff. It's not practical unless you are running a business with it.

  6. My only reservation on that one is that the output of a coil is relative to its proximity to the magnet/slug. In that scenario the 2nd coil would be larger than the first and because of its distance from the center not react the same as the inner coil.

    My thoughts are that you would have some hum cancellation but not like a humbucker. But then again I've never tried it. I say give it a whirl, the results may be cool.

  7. Dude, the TONE is affected my the sum of all parts, and not just what pickups you have in it. That's why we have TONEWOODS. Trust me, it's not some b.s. story or conspiracy to jack the price of certain woods up, and doing that WILL kill his tone on that guitar. Don't believe me? Try it. You'll see what I'm talking about.

    Im doubting you have ever painted a guitar with bedliner. So how can you be so sure. When will people stop believing all this tone voodoo. Granted it may sound different. But you cant say with any sort of accuracy that the sound will be bad.

    As fo me i give a big thumbs up to the unorthodox.

  8. Find a local auto body shop. Sometime they will throw it in when doing another car for pretty cheap.

    By the time you ship it to someone it wil be between $20 and $30 both ways. Then materials...$60 maybe for rattlecans, primer/sealer, tack rags etc. And then whatever buddy is going to charge you to do it. (Finishing is a lot of work by the way) And this is all provided it doesn't screw up.

    $200 is very resonable for a finish that will be deep and shiny right out of the gun.

    If you are not willing to pay that try painting it yourself.

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