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Posts posted by GuitarGuy

  1. the dots? or the inlay?

    The dots are brass tube with a shell dot in the center. To make the shell part. Cut a scrap piece of tube and cust one end jagged like saw teeth around the rim. then chuck it up in the drill press and drill out a few shell plugs. Pretty straight forward.

  2. Bondo makes my wanna puke every time someone mentions it.

    One of the best easiest epoxy fillers i've found is z-poxy (it think thats the name) Just check your local hobby shop and thay might have it.

    Back to your question.....yes body filler will work but its ugly and doesnt work well with transparent finishes. If you do use filler don't use bondo. Its crap. Go to an automotive shop and get evercoat glaze coat. Its finer and will fill better. But z-poxy is a better bet.

  3. I was actaully thinking about the normal overpay scam, 419 was the wrong thing to say. Either way, same stuff. Fake money orders and all that. I accepted money orders for years and would ship as soon as I had one in my hand. Now I guess printing a fake one is not very hard so you have to wait for it to clear and its just a hassle compared to PayPal which is free for the buyer and instant.

    Unless the address is unconfirmed or from another country that paypal does not cover. If it is they can charge back their credit card after you shipped. Then they get their money back and the stuff. If the address was confirmed Paypal will go good for it, if not you're at a loss.

  4. Who buys all that stuff for a first build anyway?!?!?!

    For some reason some people feel the need to buy every specialized tool that *can* be used to do a particular job. Its funny cuz some of the best builders probably don't own half of what buddy sold there or they own them but they are tools that the builders made themselves.

    Like a drum sander? why would you even remotely need one of those on a first, second or even ...tenth build. Granted it does make life easier. But totally not worth the investment if you are only going to build a handfull of guitars.

    Case of beer + cabinet shop = Free thickness sander any time you need it.

  5. Hi again, this is a shameless bump. I have more 18" blocks up. I've been makin' only 18" ones cus thats all people seem to want and you can make em shorter if need be.

    I made a couple of wider 4" ones out of UHMW. They're listed at the above link as well. I don't know if im charging to much for these or not? I think I'm like most other hobby builders. I feel guilty charging a lot of money for stuff that could help other people build.

  6. Its not $10.00. Its just a donation. This website is a wicked resource for questions answers and to meet awesome people. But all that costs money to run.

    But... buy donating youll get the cool badge, <----- and acess to some cad files and an advanced forum. (not much happens in there but its good for relaying ideas to members who care rather than joe blow off the street trolling)

  7. +1

    Its enough to give you a shock on a very large system thats about it. Explosion? The situation would have to be perfect.Its possible, but unlikely. (but check your insurance on what you need to be covered)

    Plastic pipe is almost impossible to ground effectively. The best solution I have seen is using aluminum tape on the inside of the pipe. Not Practical at all. If you are at all worried use metal duct pipe and seal it with aluminum tape.

    The one thing I would be more worried about is getting a shock while using a 10000 rpm power tool.

  8. not be an a$$ but they are called radius blocks because thats how they are measured and made.

    as nitefly said, they are probably over bent and meant to go on a 7 1/4" radius fretboard.

    cant help ya in the UK part. you might check Stew Mac if you hadnt already.

    Man, lose the attitude it doesn't fly well here. And you have it a little wrong. Overbent means you want them to be a smaller radius than the fretboard. So an 8" radius prebent fretwire would be used on a 9.5", 10", 12" etc.

  9. They're not perfect. But in their defense the combined shipping is just the price of the highest shipping amount. Basically a flat rate of $5. C'mon, for the most part that does not even cover the actual shipping! If you're going to complain, complain about a legitimate problem with their business. Shipping with them is a steal despite the longer shipping time.

    On a side note, avoid their black hardware. It is truely a horrible cloudy black finish. (then again all black korean hardware is like that)

  10. rig up a drill press jig using a cordless drill and some steel sheets/tubing...then you get an unlimited swing press.

    I was talking a little more practical. For instance I have a block I use for drilling the access hole for a fender style trussrod. Ii is basically a hole drilled in an aluminum block at the proper angle. The cool thing is that when you put the hand drill's bit in the hole it will follow the angle an drill the perfect hole. The principle for a right angle drill guide is the same. And easier to build.

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