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Our Souls inc.

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Posts posted by Our Souls inc.

  1. I've done some pine builds. I'll do more. Saying" pine" is like saying "blue" ... there are a LOT of varieties and not all equal. Look out for knots and sap I guess .... lol it is soft , but you should be careful with ANY instrument , not just soft-bodied ones. Using Minwax wood hardener helped protect it by making the skin a bit tougher. :D

  2. This post is worthless without pics.... :D

    I need batterlees for my camera tho.......

    Shes sings a mighty sweet note . Got the action and intonation right out of the gate. The bridge volume pot is not functioning tho..... so... give and take , I guess.

    I had to compromise for now - it has all gold HW , but chrome tuners. They're way up on top of the neck so its not an eyesore but as soon as fundage allows , I'll go gold.

    Mahogany and Padouk make a killer combo. Great sustain and great 'spank' on the notes. My little trap-door trick worked , no front or rear rout for the pots or switch. All in all , better than I had hoped for.


  3. Yes, they are all single-action truss rods.

    Metalhead28, why do you say that?

    Wizard necks, and most ibanez necks have some of the thinnest profiles out there. Its not a surprise to me that most of the guitars that come in with fret buzz problems are Ibanez RGs and S series guitars. Also, the fretboards on Wizard necks are not radiused. Its easier to bend something flat than it is to bend something round.

    Say Wha ??


  4. I preferred Sally Fields myself....

    " I've got the pedal to the metal and the 'thing' down to the floor "

    lmao .......

    Got her done , intonated and adjusted up. It sustains a note longer than anything I've ever heard. :D ( unplugged ) Really , it's ridiculous.

    Here's some finished shots...





  5. I use anything I can get my mitts on from "mystery" flea market carvings to Pallets to 18th century Church pew gates.

    The one thing I look for is dry , as knot free or "clear" as possible and I try to do a 'tap' test just to see what type of vibrations the raw wood allows through.

    If the wood isn't stiff enough for a neck on its own , you can add CF rods or bars to strengthen it. I made a neck out of Poplar from a pallet runner and its holding up fine thusfar. I used 2 CF bars along w/the TR which proved to be sufficient .

    keep an open mind and an open eye and guitar wood will pop out everywhere. It'll take more work to get a guitar out of wood that wasn't designed for that purpose , but it'll be much , much cheaper than buying blanks 9 times out of 10.

    I recently came across two more killer pallets at work so I'll be building more "freebies" . :D

  6. I know Bass doesn't respond well to the same types of gain that guitars sound good with

    It can..really...just turn the gain down a bit.All tube gain seems to transfer well to bass.

    But if you are just downtuning but still playing as guitar with thicker strings,just back than gain down about 30%...seems to work for Meshuggah

    :D .... hard to turn down the gain when you're playing simultaneously.

    from experience I've found that bass frequencies are too low to get "good" sound out of when using guitar settings. as you suggested , you can reduce the amount of gain , but again - simultaneous.......... gonna be either too clean for geet or too dirty for bass through one amp.

    Unless of course you're playing clean. :D

  7. Until you've loaded a pair of GH's pups in an axe and tried them , don't knock 'em. I stopped buying Duncans and use them exclusively now. No purchase necessary but there are sound clips on the home page @ guitarheads.net. For $40 a PAIR , they have great tone. No buzzy SC's or unpotted anything. and they have the cool "overdrive without batteries" mod for your tone knob. :D

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