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Posts posted by Hedley

  1. I found it on the internet B)

    well hit your monitor instead then... lol :D

    :D lol

    I found it on the internet B)

    All Mr. Google tells me is that it is used in violins and hollow bodies. And cricket bats - so I'm guessing its durable enough.

    But that leads up to the question - which willow wood is that? ;)

    Thats all he told me too, lol

  2. Other than routers - you have a very similar level of equipment to what I have. Your bandsaw is better than mine (and doesn't have broken guides) and I would kill for that amount of space though! Do you have a dust extractor?

    The router i have right now isn't that great, but i'm hoping it works ok. I've never used it before, it was given to me as well.

  3. Other than routers - you have a very similar level of equipment to what I have. Your bandsaw is better than mine (and doesn't have broken guides) and I would kill for that amount of space though! Do you have a dust extractor?

    My shop vac for now,lol. I was thinking of getting a small air cleaner for now too. Next year i am hoping to have a seperate small bldg outback(shed type) for a workshop. That way i can spray and do everything in there.

    I am also still in the process of rearranging my basement, its sort of a mess right now

  4. Yeah, MDF really sucks. First time i cut it, i did it inside with a circular saw, that crap went everywhere!!! :D

    Wear a respirator. MDF dust is bad stuff...

    +1 to that .

    Gets in your lungs & expands, Absorbs loads of moisture. Will have you coughing up nasty phlegm for a few days. Wear a mask & cut/sand it outside.

    Use ply for your templates in future, of clear plastic/pcv sheeting.

    I used the MDF for a tabletop for my workbench(laminated 2 pieces together). Will def be using ply for my templates i think. I would like to use plexiglass but i can't find it at a decent price, but then again i havent checked the net

  5. Got the bandsaw today, this thing was only ever used 1 time


    My cousin also gave me a sears craftsman 4 1/8" jointer today too. Needed a small repair done on it, but i got it working good, now just need new blades for it. Can't complain about free!


    Unfortunately i don't have enough time to cut my templates out tonight, but it will give me something to do next weekend

  6. Very tidy! Looks like you're off to a good start.

    For your finish, I would seriously consider something other than traditional lacquer, because that stuff is SO GROSS. Either that or invest in a good respirator or something similar for when you're spraying it.

    (Maybe I'm just a wimp about wood finishing, but I think I'll stick to oil finishes, French Polishing, and water-based finishes now that I've done a guitar with acrylic lacquer and had experience with it. That was awful.)


    No worries about inhaling the lacquer, i have to spray it outside and have a respirator. I use to spray alot of lacquer and enamels when i did taxidermy so i am familiar with their nastiness, Also, i have no spraying equipment as of yet, so i have to use aerosols

  7. I was gonna wait to post til I actually started constructing the guitar, but i figured i needed to do something to fill up the time until i can start. This may move a little slow, I do have a 60 hour per week job, so tuesday thru saturday will be very limited. I am also still collecting more tools as i go along too.

    I am gonna try to get this done quick(really hurts the checkbook though) :D , but i have been bitten by the bug and the show must go on :D

    For this first build i am following the plans that came with M. Oakham's book(build your own electric guitar). It will be a strat type w/ 2 humbuckers, solid poplar body, all maple neck and 24 fret maple fingerboard, all black hardware with hardtail bridge(plans use tremolo), 1 vol. and 2 tone controls & 3-way toggle, paint will probably be a powder blue metallic and nitro clear(keep changing my mind on this though).

    Please feel free to let me know if i am screwing any process up or if something may not work.

    The plans:


    What i did was tape(scotch tape) several pieces of tracing paper together and traced the plans, then cut them out with an exacto knife, I also found it very helpful to put the scotch tape around all the lines before cutting, it made the tracing paper very stable.





    The i glued the cutouts to some 3/16" hardboard(with the shiny top) with an elmer's repositionable glue stick(worked great) for my master templates



    Now I have them all ready to cut out. I would do it with the jigsaw but i am supposed to be buying a used Delta 14" bandsaw for $200 tomorrow, so i figure i would wait til then so, i can play with it


  8. Thanks for the feedback...the body is 1 3/4" which as far as I can tell is pretty standard for most Fenders, correct? I think once I finish the body contours and transfer them to the back, it'll help with that. I was given several glued up 1 3/4" blanks as a gift, and I still don't have a good way to thickness lumber. A router thickness jig is in the works. I think it will be a little on the heavy side, being northern ash instead of swamp ash, but that doesn't bother me a lot.

    Have a drill press?

  9. I know the feeling shades, back in my taxidermy days I was painting a palomino trout, and this was turning out to be the best mount I had ever done, both from an anatomy standpoint and paint job, while i was doing some final fine detail work getting ready to clearcoat it , I knocked it off the stand I had it on, sending it crashing to my concrete floor, and in the process busting a fin off and leaving one hell of a chip/scratch in its head(worst possible area to make a paint repair) :D . I was ready to kick it to hell and back i was so mad with myself :D I picked it up and left it alone for a couple days, and it turned out just fine

  10. I think i am going to make 2 body blanks, I have 2 guitars planned already,lol(strat type w/ 2 humbuckers & Jackson dinky type) :D . They will both be solid colors, so no worries there.

    Probably just gonna go with clamps, maybe upgrade to vacum somewhere down the road. I was gonna set up a press clamping table with press clamps.

    I was also thinking that #2 would be the stronger body

    I will also try not to glue everything to my workbench! B)

    Thx everyone, I am so glad I found this forum, so much info and many helpful people! :D

  11. Thanks guys! I will prob go with the H.O.K. and kustom shop. I already have the regulator and water traps for compressor, I have have a smaller compressor i used for airbrushing. I will definitely be sanding and buffing my finishes. I have awhile to decide on gun yet, just planning it out. Thx again :D

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