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Posts posted by Anthony

  1. That what I'm talking about. Thanks for the input. Actually on the first one, in the vector program full scale, the top horn is ΒΌ longer than the bottom, and on both of the first ones the horns are about an inch narrower than the bodies width.

    I guess they look funky because I had to copy and paste them into ms paint and shrink them, then trace over them so the lines would be visible. They look much better full scale.

    Number 4 down there was just something ridiculous that sprung up in my head. Hot Texas air and all.

    As for the headstock, I knew I'd seen one similar. Ill have to look it up to make sure I'm not copying it too closely. Too hard to be original and tasteful these days.

  2. I've been sitting on these for about a year and finally got around to tweaking them to my liking. Tell me what y'all think.





    Keep in mind these are just my interpretations of modern designs. Probably won't build for a while but I wouldn't mind some advice or input. Thanks guys. Also have a singlecut, but kinda difficult to differentiate it from what's out there so still working on it. How do I delete my thread from another section?

  3. Thanks Prostheta - The store was a challenge for me as I'd never done anything like that. Was kind of like improvise and adapt.

    Thanks Anthony - Appreciate that. I'm not confident at all with the airbrush so to hear someone say that my "I winged it" paint job is the best camo they've seen makes me feel good. Thankyou. I even surprised myself when it turned out like what I had imagined!

    Thanks Maiden69 - originally I planned to have complete coverage front and rear camo, but I decided that'd be way overkill and went with this, however most front only gfx stop at the bevel (easier to airbrush), mine goes over the bevel to the side but the bust kind of hides that.

    Thanks Westhemann - thats exactly how I planned it! I wanted a guitar that Old School '80s Max Cavelera would want to play - but with my personal edge to it.

    The build was meant to be for me as my personal guitar but I've already had a local guitarist from a regular gigging band say he wants to buy it just from seeing the pics and having played the "groges" guitar I built. He's the lead guitarist in the band that the Groges plays rythem in, so that's a massive compliment and I'd be a fool not to give up the guitar and have another one on stage reguarly.

    Spelling Bee Mod - Thanks to you too for getting my back! Cheers!

    So much so, that if i ever get another bike, I'm tracking you down for an urban camo paint job. I can't wait to see this beast finished man.

  4. I feel like my ears should file a harrassment lawsuit. I listen to some heavy stuff(Symphony X, Dream Theater, Disturbed) but that was literally auditory abuse and quite possibly aggravated auditory abuse. And I think they were "singing" the direction on how to make proper chicken salad. But the guitar looked good. :D

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