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Posts posted by Osorio

  1. I made some mistakes on this guitar.

    First was the place of neck/fret board was very high and the measures that I took I thought the bridge would compensate, but I was wrong.

    second, there were some gaps in the neck, I thought the paint would cover some imperfections as usually happens, but I tested this guitar a lacquer thinner that is not covered as I thought, even had a few rough edges discovered in the polishing.

    as orange peel believe that the pictures do not do justice to this polishing gutiarra had this super smooth.

    I made a point of letting the defects evident in the photos. This guitar has no owner, and if someone wants to keep with will see it before.

    In fact still do not know if I'll sell it, because I really like the JR and is very pretty and sounds great. But I do not need another guitar that is what makes me think.

  2. Tks folks!!!

    This guitar give me some headache and I'm glad to finish it! Maybe this project came over my build skils making me think twice before accept another project like that.

    The sound of passive pickups are amazing, you have single coils, humbuckers and p90 pickups in one!!! Just turning the switch! I'm serious thinking to change my personal emg set to this ones.

    The active midi pickup it's great. I have tested on a roland GR55, and get some nice sounds, like a piano, clarinet, trumpet and others. And some really nice distortion effects, very realistic ones.

  3. First of all I want to say that don't make guitars for living. I'm software engineer, and this is my day job.

    Guitars are for fun and personal satisfaction. So, my production it's something about 6 guitars/year and though all were LP, can not believe that Gibson was concerned with this. The day that Gibson sue me so I'll be immensely happy.

    This guitar has no owner, so the future buyer will be able to see from the pictures all the aspects and small imperfections caused by a new brand of paint I used.

    Anyway Tks guys!!

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  4. This project is non owned one, and I'll intend to work on it at the intervals of other projects.

    So, somethings in this project I din't solve yet, at the moment I have:

    Body: ceddar

    Neck: ceddar

    Finger: rosewood w/custom inlays

    Finish: Mate varnish

    Hardware: Gold ( probaly gotoh bridge and sperzel tuners)

    Knobs: CAL12 shotgun waste ammo

    Pups: EMG JH set





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