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Posts posted by oli

  1. i was doing some surfing while waiting for more input and found a site called all things guitar and they show the capasitor 681 iKV wired to the volume pot will i still need to install a cap on the tone pot also (TBX or 1Meg) if anyone is still with me here

  2. yup they came with a capasitor and a resistor but as i said the diagram that came with them makes no referance to them the capasitor is a 680pf and i think the resistor is a 220k the diagram however shows .022uf soldered to the tone pot so if i should use them i guess i have to find out how and where they get wired in

  3. I am wiring a set of fender noiseless SSS pickups into a project strat and i am unsure of which capasitor i need for the tone pot some call for .022uf and some .05uf? the pickups came with a 681 1KV but they dont mention that on the diagram all i can find in the local electronics shop is an .022 -100volt and a .022 poly film cap 50wvdc this is my first wiring project and i want to get it right i hope this is clear enough

  4. Devon said he wasnt to knowledgabl about term bridges and i dont recall you answering follow up question is there a problem? sorry. i figure i'd get some more input as to what to fill the holes with ect. figured that was more likely to happen if i repost. in any case if anyone else has this problem or a stripped screw hole try theZAR EPOXY Wood Patch seems pretty strong and supposedly takes on the same density as the wood anyway didnt mean to ruffle any feathers there haggardguy

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