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Posts posted by egdeltar

  1. Ok...that was a better explanation. If you wind the string around the peg 2 times by hand then you are definately going to have some string slipping when you tighten the machine. Its just the strings slipping into their final resting posistion. After you are finished how many winds around the peg do you end up with? Probally more than the 2 you started out with. I would suggest not doing it this way, try the way I explained above and I doubt you will have string slipping issues.

  2. No offense to Matt but I dont think his design works at all, first the bottom section he changed completely conflicts with the rest of the bass. All of the other lines are very round and flowing, then all of a sudden there is almost a 90 degree square that looks like it was just cut off a BC rich warlock and pasted to the rest of the body. It just doesnt look right. He does have the right idea about it being changed though. Just my 2 cents.

    I would take the original design and work with it a bit more...

  3. Bytrix is correct, measure from the inside of the nut the crown of the 12th fret then double it, that is your scale. But his statement about fret placement is off.... It matters where the frets are because they are placed according to the scale length. If that neck is say a 24.75 scale and you place your bridge according to a 25.50 you are going to be SOL as your frets will be all outta whack.

  4. You know, you'd be surprised what you can coax out of a guitar like that with an active Bartolini system. If you put a System 112 in there you would probably have a keeper. You'd find playing with the boost knob addicting. Myself I'd prefer an all Mahogany carved top Soloist, Ebony board. Maybe with a Walnut or Koa top and two hums. But I digress.  :D

    That system 112 looks very tempting....... id just hate to spend the money on it to still have this thing be a sloppy turd.

  5. I can't believe you guys are talking about pot values when this guitar is clearly a dead fish. You might as well be playing a Steinberger. It's all about the guitar. Everything you're describing about the tone can be attributed to the guitar's construction methods, woods, tremolo, and probably the "sweet low action".

    Clearly if you had active value pots left over in the guitar (in this case only the 100k tone) that would suck away precious signal. But to switch between 250k pots all the way to 1 meg pots or even NO pots will not "fix" the guitar.

    I'm not an EMG fan, but that guitar is probably only going to really be usable as an EMG or active Bartolini loaded scorcher. You've got midrange compression and tone loss going on everywhere on that guitar. The Maple neck through will compress and comb away a lot of mids and low mids at the junction itself. The Floyd will inhibit transference of those same frequencies to the body, but even when the sound gets to the "body" there's a big Maple neck running through the core. So once again it's compounded. If I were you, I would basically look at that guitar as a Steinberger and choose your electronics under that premise.

    I don't own any EMG equipped guitars, and I would love a carved top soloist neck through just for the nostalgia. But if I got one I'd probably dive all the way in and have active Jacksons or EMGs because its a losing battle to try to make it sound like a LP or bolt on Ibanez RG, Fat Strat, etc. You're fighting the guitar every step of the way. It's not bad, it's just a one-trick pony. If it were a Mahogany neck and body it might be different.

    Actually.... that has been sitting in the back of my mind and ive been fearing that it is the actual guitar itself that just sounds like poo.... I was really trying to stay away from Active but........... It might come down to it. Thanks for your input. im still going to simplify the electronics bigtime though..

  6. I allready have the 3 way and it fits into one of the holes for the tone pots. Im going to leave the 2 outside holes and fill the middle one and also fill the mini toggle holes. Im pretty sure a dowl will work perfect, if any one has better idea please clue me in. Ill have to refinish the guitar of course but it will be fun.

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