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Posts posted by Gemleggat

  1. Here is another little update, i still aint got round to actually freting this board yet but i have managed to get the binding on got it to follow the radius of the board, i have used a few coats of tung oil on the maple to stop bleeding from the ebony making it all dirty and horrible! I still need to clean out the fret slots for the tenth time and then get down to fretting it, i am really pleased about how it turned out so far.


  2. I am what is known as a guitar tech, firstly you dont need too many tools to get going, just enough stuff to be able to take guitars to pieces and be able to put them back together. The best way to get into it is to take all your guitars and other thing to bits and find out how the work, use mates guitar if they let you! I wouldnt say being a tech is a job you are likely to make alot of money with, its difficult to make money because you need to fix a lot of guitars per week to make anything, People seem generally shocked at the prices of some repairs and don't realise how much time goes into a fret dressing or big rewire job. Buy a couple of El cheapo guitars and make them play as good as possible, forget about learn things like refinishing and building to start with most of your time will be taken up by new pickups installs and general setups, get good at all that stuff first. There is a few Dan Erlewine books that you also buy too.

    Good Luck

  3. Aeolian is the normal minor greg it is a mode of the major scale. Dont worry to much about melodic minor it simple resolves the harmonic minor sound by adjusting the interval to get rid of the bit that makes the harmonic sound the way it does.

    Dont get a sore head!

  4. Right i aint posted in a while but i still have been busy on this project. With what happened this week on here i thought i better get some stuff up.


    Thats after i just glued in the Dots with epoxy.


    This is after i fitted the binding which is maple btw. I have already radiused the board as the dust from the ebony would have gotten on to the maple and spoiled it if i had of done after i aplied the binding.

    I'm getting there!

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