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Posts posted by whitey

  1. ahh,i was thinking of a glued in neck,sorry,have u got the tools to rifle dill?just drill a hole from the pick up cavity,to the truss rod cavity,and u have a rout for the wires,i guess u have to make sure that the wires dont go near the truss rod by extending the truss rod cavity,sory for the confusin lol,but there's a way for everything i guess

  2. lets say u have the neck wired up,and u have the wire comin outa the bridge,and then u drill a hole through the neck pocket through to the pickup cavity to feed the wires to,and then as there is already a hole to let the pickup wires reach the control cavity,feed the led wires through there,assuming u want an on/off switch at the control cavity

    i could draw a picture if ur really stuck,but i'm frustrated the now as the comp is freezing lol,but if ur making the neck through from scratch,it should be easy...ish lol

  3. could you not use vinyl sealer?i dunno if thats the name of the company's product or not,but behlen make it,and it says that wen putting on a pollyurathane gloss finish,its recomended to finish the wood/guitar with vinyl sealer,then polyurathane finish it,would that work?its to stop it bleeding through heres a picture,i tried getting info elswere,but this is the only way,it tells you about the vinyl sealer at the bottom,and its only £7 per quarter gallon


    hope that helps,cause its been 45 minutes since i read this to try and get the info up !! lol.just trying to prove i no a little bit about this sorta stuff,i bet its got nothing to do with wat u want lol,sorry anyway

  4. hey,i have honestly looked everywere,but i am looking for tuners for a six string bass,but they only come in fours!it is really annoying,the only way i can fnd them,is if i buy 2 sets of 4 tuners,then i will see a pack of 6 somewere lol.

    well i guess i'm askin if anyone knows were i can find them?preferably Y shaped,black :D


  5. wow,and matching green pickups,the middle one looks best,but that is gonna look really sweet,and i spose the great thing about it is that its so uniqe,until u post pics of ur guitar,i will then take ur pics,print them,stick them on my axe and...anyway lol.but that looks great,its incredible how u find the time,and other people,to do these great things :D

  6. yeah,but it has been treated,and must be strenthened,and its been sealed,anyway,never mind,i have managed to get in contact with some,and i can either get an ebony,pre slotted,or either brazilion or indian rosewood,i'm going for the rosewood i think,thanks for all the help guys,much appreciated,nice to talk to guitarists who actually no a thing or two,rather than my usual crowd of''i play squire and greenday rules''god dam hate them eople lol,anyway,thanks for the help

  7. ''So if you're doing a 34" scale bass, position your bridge so that the G string is 34" away from the nut, having already moved it forward (toward the nut) along its range of adjustment.


    wow greg,that helps a lot,now it all makes sense and makes planin a lot easier,its going to be a 35 inch,

    i never actually made the body on the 6 string,just some of the neck

    i just put it together a few mins ago,playin it now :D lol


    and thanks for the welcome,i've been on the projectguitar homepage a lot,but never knew there was a forum lol

  8. so its safe to say he's rich then,i really like that ghecko,and the finding nemo style one,the one with the clown fish,just because of the orange,that is one uniqe talent u got there,its so uniqe i keep forgetteing to put the ''U'' in unique lol

    hey craig,do you know any u.k :D wood campanies?i'm searching for some rosewood for a fretboard,but as easy as it may seem,i cant find any,only found fretboards for a 4 string bass,i've even toyed with the idea of buying 2 and fitting them togethor,like a bookmatched style lol.

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