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Nitefly SA

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Posts posted by Nitefly SA

  1. ok, back on topic, this is a cleaned-up version of the retroid, ive decided to do the retroid because i think it might be easier to do a front routed guitar for my first one, some specs, a carvin neck (not pictured), bridge-super 2, neck-evolution, brige is a fender style hardtail, 2 volumes, one tone, and a gain boost circuit, then the one switch is a 3 way and the other 2 are another boost circuit ( IM CA-RRRRRAAAAAAZYYYYYY) then the two on the upper wing are different combos for each pickup (full, split,out of phase), i think it will be made out of ash, ok now lemme know what you think now that you know more and theres a better pic, thanks.


  2. Before some one tells me to search i have been looking for the last half hour, so shh. I was wondering how to install the neck ferrules, like how deep to drill for the ferrules, what type of bit, etc, if it has been covered just post a link. i was planning on building a guitar and a neck plate really doesnt fit into its design so im going with these, thanks.

  3.   I think I need to curve my Hooks A bit more like this!

    user posted image

    !!METAL MATT!! canadaflag.gif

    I like the concept but i think you should angle out the wings a bit more, it looks kind of like a broom IMO, but it is for you and if it fits your style, go for it.

  4. i dont like it, it reminds me of a tiesco or harmony, i think you should either shrink the cutaway or make the top a little bigger, it just looks unbalanced also i think the headstock needs to be re shaped, i think it looks too much like the paddle headstocks that come on DIY necks. all my opinion, you like what you like.

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