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Nitefly SA

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Posts posted by Nitefly SA

  1. that one looks pretty good. I have been trying to organize a trip to guitar center, it is an hour and a half away, so its not a huge trip nor is it an everyday errand but i want to try out a few things, one being a parker nitefly SA i think i want one i mean i love the features but if it doesnt feel right then i aint buyin. but i really want to try some amps, and the only stores we have in my town are 2 stores, one horribly over priced and very forceful (dont let you play anything) they other very nice and helpful but not very well stocked, mostly a piano place so i guess ill wait till my trip.

  2. Im looking for an amp greater than 50 watts and in the 500 dolars range i want it to sound good both clean and distorted, i tried out a marshall mini stack and liked it but thats only 15 watts are there any marshalls that sound good but arent ungodly expensive? i was thinking about the line 6 210 but that digital and i dont know if i'd like it, help if you can, thanks

  3. i bought the Uber metal pedal by line 6 and i absolutly LOVE it i think is replaces the DS-1 as the MUST-HAVE distortion for all guitarists.it as great tone and good warmth not for a digital pedal, for any pedal. it is exactly what i was looking for. i recommend it to any one that is looking for distortion somewhere between gain boost and death metal (wich is everybody)

  4. i was playing this dean at mediaplay (like best buy) that had a full TOM and i really liked it so i think ill buy one, it has a mahogany body and a maple neck, i looked on ebay for one and all i see it one like it but it has amhogany neck aswell and its set, over all its better but i want a full TOM bridge not just a wrap around

    now, if i just put the string retainer behind the existing bridge and put the TOM bridge in the existing posts would it work, or would i need to take out the posts is there different spacing?

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