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Nitefly SA

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Posts posted by Nitefly SA

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/Electric-Guitar-New-Do...1QQcmdZViewItem that is my guitar, say what you want, but it plays GREAT, after i got this i got rid or my 1990 BC Rich Bich and my washburn delta king (semi hollow) i switched out the humbucker with one from my bich (just out of bordem) but ive been investigating pick ups for a while i dont want to spend 70 dollars on something i *might* like or something that sounds *ok* i want it to be just right. the bc rich P/U has good crunch but gets a little muddy at times whilst playing clean (and distorted for that matter)
  2. OK to clear everything up...Agile and rondo music products in general are out...greco or tokai is my best bet right now,i dont even want a gibson les paul, from what i hear they have some BAD quality control issues, like grain coming through the finsh, unleveled frets, sharp fret edges, just general crappiness. and if you are going to shell out 2 grand you should get a friggin perfect guitar.

  3. I was looking at this les paul copy on ebay, SX is the brand, it get great reviews at harmony central and it is made of solod mahogany and has a set neck for about the cost of a squire (worst brand ever) if you have experience with this model or dont think it looks decent, please throw in yur 2 cents



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