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Nitefly SA

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Posts posted by Nitefly SA

  1. I just recently got into guitar building so i require more of a throat on my band saw, not to mention it is probably at least 30 years old (got it from my grandpa)but does any body have any suggestions for a good brand? i'd like to keep it under 500 dollars i was thinking this one http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?...pid=00923635000 if any one has any feedback on this one or has other ones in mind please let me know, thanks.

  2. i have seen the white stripes live twice, all he has on stage is 2 fender amps a midi pedal to control his digitech whammy,a compressor,a digitech whammy, a noise gate and a distortion/overdrive. some describe airlines pick ups as very sweet sounding, different strokes for different folks. he only uses the bridge pick up thats why the other is gone, and he produces the albums him self and computer free so how could it be engineered? any way, i like the look of carbon fiber but it seems a little expensive, and could i get it to be smooth like if i wanted it on a neck? (as in the parker basses) also how would i get a surfboard like finish (what products are necessary)

  3. also keep in mind that i BELIEVE that the 89 acts like an 85 when it is in humbucker mode....therefore i would not put it in the bridge...the 85 in a bridge position is a bit muddy...but in the neck it can't be beat.

    I was just about to ask what the recommended position was for the 89,couold anybody tell me what the numbers are for? (61,85,81 etc.) do they have anything to do with the level of output?

    could i just get a dimazio in the bridge and a 89 in the neck?

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