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Strange Fruit

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Posts posted by Strange Fruit

  1. Three times last week, i either: glued two fingers together, glued three fingers together, or glued two fingers to the back of a neck. Be careful. It really sucks having to cut a layer of skin off to remove yourself from a customers guitar.

    Woah, put that knife down mate.

    There is a MUCH easier and much more painless way to do this. Coke.

    if you get your fingers stuck together, stick them into some coke or cola and magically they come apart!


    Maybe not so useful on a guitar neck, but hey, it saves some skin!


  2. For true brian tone, you need Burns Tri-sonics, wired in series, through on-offswitches and phase switches.

    and a stack of Vox AC 30's

    and a treble booster

    and a British Half Penny form BEFORE decimalisation, which if i remember history right, was 1971?????

    Any who, burns tri-sonics will get you started!


  3. Bingo:

    undo the locking nut, slacken strings, adjust intonation, tighten strings, lock nut, test, undo the locking nut, slacken strings, adjust intonation, tighten strings, lock nut, test, undo the locking nut, slacken strings, adjust intonation, tighten strings, ock nut, test, undo the... well you get the idea!

    Have fun!


  4. check this out for an SG


    Yea, that is sweet.

    Was it Crash who did this one? i know he did the grafitti strats for clapton, but did he do this one aswell?

    sorry for the off topic question.

    Anyway, SG or LP?

    Which do you prefer? after all, its you who is building it, and you who is going to be playing it.

    an SG might be easier, but both have their own pitfalls.

    but if you have the patience and determination, either should be possible.

    just so you know, i havent built any guitars yet, so take my advice with a pinch of salt!


  5. For the sound, listen to the first track of the second disc of Pink Floyd's "The Wall". Good sound to it, it will tell you what you need to know.

    I think you will find its called Hey You, and bass was played by guitartist Dave Gilmour and not their bass player Roger Waters.

    anyway, fretless is great fun to play, but i only played a lined on.

    I loved it!


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