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Posts posted by rokeros

  1. However, what I know of now i that the hareqluin is retailed i UK for a list price of 600uk pounds. The reason why it is so expensive is because of the high demand and they only make one amp a day. Not one hareluin, but one amp from their series. So therefore if you think about it, the list price isnt that bad after all.

    I found some videos of Guthrie. He is an amazing player and ya, so here:


    Hope the info helps!

    Ash HK :D

  2. By the way, heres the specs for my project just so you guysa know what is going on the body. -:

    Saga Strat Style Neck wth Rosewood FrtBrd

    Flame Maple Veneer Top

    Gotoh(Kluson) Vintage Tuners

    Blue/Black Water Dye Finish on veneer

    Faux Binding

    Black Back+Neck+Headstock

    White Sprayed Skunk from headstock down to endpin

    Flat Top Alder Body

    JB + 59' SD pups

    Mcarty Style Wiring (3-way switch 1 Vol, 1 Tone Push/Pull, Coil Splitting)

    KTM-9 Sponge Brush/Airbrush Clear

    Aluminium Sand Blasted pup rings

    T.O.M. and through Body

  3. Can someone please! REPLY! I need info emergently..cos I need to make amendments before doing it tommorrow! As you know in school there are deadlines to meet. So if there are any comments on my designs can you guys please open up. I will probrably be checking every 10 mins or so.

  4. Been wondering about an lp finished body, and every time I go up on ebay to see whats been added, I always encounter these guys:


    They have exactly what I am looking for, but if you notice, they have posted those exact items for over a year, and people just bid and the whole thing starts again.

    My question is what catch there is, any hidden secrets or are they just playing nice and selling good bodies for dirt cheap?

    Ash HK :D

  5. Yeah! Got my design onto CAD accurately. I drew grids on my sketch and then scaled it to get the right curves. But it seems a little large, heres a pic with my Rokeros AT1 side by sides with an RG body. Even after scaling down a bit it still looks quite big. Maybe it's just me, but what do you guys think?



    Ash HK :D

  6. Aya! My Cam/CAM is screwed up! Could someone if kindly enough (which I doubt), please help me correct that design so that I can open it up on pro/desktop. I tried blending an iceman bottom with an RG and a ParkerFly, but still can't get the shape right! Tried hours and hours the shape is still so screwed. Argh!

    Ash HK :D

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