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Everything posted by UpstateNYer

  1. I had time to do a little more work on this. I did the pickup cavity and volume pot cavity, drilled the jack hole, tuner holes, bridge holes, and all of the wiring channels. Still have to cut the binding recess and round over the back of the body and headstock. Waiting on the fingerboard and fret material to show up. I chipped a couple of the tuner holes, but these are just the 5/16" holes. I still need to open these up to 25/64".
  2. I am now ready to carve the back of the neck. This is the one area on the original guitar that bothers me. It seems very thick and clunky, let me know what you think.
  3. I started with 3 pieces of 1 x 3 maple, cut out the neck shape and laminated them together. When laminating up the body I decided to continue with maple for the area where the bridge attaches. The rest was done in poplar to save on weight and make it a little easier to shape. For the headstock I once again used the maple. Cut the channel for the nut.
  4. Hi folks, I am a new member here and would like to document my first build. Let me start by saying this guitar is being built for my personal use only. I have always wanted a yellow Chiquita, and after looking on ebay for quite a while I finally found a black one that was listed as is. I paid less than half what most of these little guitars go for usually, I think because the owner did not know if it worked. I did have to replace the pot, the strings, and the output jack but other than that it just needed some TLC. Because of the guitar being so nice, and the fact that it had a neck pickup that is rare.... I decided I would make a new one to paint yellow.
  5. The longest piece I used is 27" long, so pretty much scrap. The body is a few 10" pcs laminated together.
  6. New guy here,just wanting to introduce myself. I am currently working on a travel guitar using an original one as a guide. I will post some pictures of the build soon (once I find the cord for my camera). Thanks to everyone for all of the time and information on this site. Chris
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