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Everything posted by lior51

  1. Thanks, that was helpful and I'm starting to get it now (I hope).. I looked around in stores today, there are some polishing compounds availble. Fine (usually white?) and medium (usually brown?) but I dont entirely understand what they do. I mean - when am I supposed to begin seeing a gloss? while polishing with the fine white stuff or only later when I apply some wax product? I sanded up to #2000. I'm also now aware of avoiding Silicon, thanks. The fine compound I found called 'No7 polishing compound', apparently made in USA by a company called Cyclo, anyone know of it? Anyway thanks again for your help, I'm sure I will get it right eventually. Lior.
  2. Hello, For a long time now I've been reading thoroughly various tutorials and threads but still got some questions. Mostly its because its a bit difficult for me to get specific products here in Israel and I have to compromise alot. I know you guys get a lot of newbie finish questions, hope you still got some patience left... I'm about to finish my 2nd guitar (zebra wood body) and currently practicing on scrap wood. I'm trying to achieve a smooth gloss finish. I applied 6-7 layers of gloss laquer with a brush (I'm a bit low on tools..), sanding carefuly between each layer. In the last few layers I have this basic problem - after I apply the layer the wood is shiny and glossy, but the brush strokes are showing. Once I sand it down it becomes very smooth but also completely matte. Today I applied Turtle Wax Safe Cut scratch remover with a cloth, and later with a dremmel polishing bit, the surface got even smoother but still matte. What should I do? what did I do wrong? Is the problem with the products I use or am I just missing something? thanks, Lior (and sorry for the long post)
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