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Everything posted by Puggles

  1. You guys told me exactly what I wanted and needed to know. who knows what I would have done without this information. thanks!
  2. well I was talking to an older friend who knows all this stuff. and this is what I think Im going to do. mind you Im not a paint nor finish expert so its going to come out very blunt first we are gonna sandblast it to get all of the previous paint off. then we will prime it, paint it, then we will add a clear coat. we are gonna add a clear coat so unstead of the paint wearing off the clear coat does. which makes it much easier for repainting and shyt. again I forget what type of paint, prime and clear coat we will use, I really don't know to much about that stuff. but as long as my friend knows what type of stuff we will need Im not worried. If you guys think this isn't a good idea or anything feel free to give opinions and such.
  3. Im thinking on painting a floyd rose, but Im a little worried on the effect. I have read this http://users.pandora.be/marnix.ghesquiere/ondex.html But Powder coating is not only expensive but hard to find without having to send it to the UK. So this leaves me with one solution, I could prime it with epoxy primer, then paint it with some sort of paint (forget what its called) that can take the abuse of you hand constantly touching it. but what Im wondering do any of you think that epoxy primer would alter the sound at all? and/or is there another way I could paint a floyd rose without having to worry about the paint fading and peeling? Thanks!
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