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Posts posted by jbkim

  1. Just playing more, consciously making the effort to use the pinky, will be the best :D but specifically do more pinky related stuff... like 3rd-4th (pinky) finger trills. Another exercise I used to recommend to students was to practice scales over-the-neck. In the traditional under-the-neck position, the first (index) finger is the anchor/pivot point of strength. Over-the-neck, the pinky becomes the anchor.

  2. If you have any other suggestions for around $200 USD, I would be glad to hear them...

    I mentioned a Kramer Striker body+neck (w/ tuners) that I got off of ebay for $55 (incl. s+h) in another thread. The fit and finish sucked. I had to take off the neck, shim it and recenter it (1st/6th strings weren't aligned.) I replaced the electronics (stock REALLY sucked :D) and make truss rod adjustments, etc. The end result was not bad!... and I only put $80 into this project total. I got the action down to about 2mm and the neck is super comfortable (very slender "C" shape.) Based on my experience with this guy and the new price at MusicYo being $199, I'd recommend it.

  3. So you wanna show off "hey, I'm good enough to play without fretboard markers. I could even play all of this with my eyes closed"

    J/K  :D

    Heh, ulterior motives B). Humans are very visual creatures, men even more so than women... but music is about sound in which case the markers are like crutches. I tell my students to try not to look at the fretboard when playing... assuring them that the frets have not moved since the last time they looked :D. Well, anyway, I did say I liked the side markers in a previous post. They're there if/when I'd need them.

  4. When I first played my guitar project I got lost right away.  I couldn't believe how much I depended on those fretboard dots!  So I took a 1-hole paper punch and made some temporary ones out of sticky backed label paper.  Until I get good at cutting and setting abalone.

    Heh :D. I started on Classical guitar so I'm used to no markers... not even side markers. But for electric, I like the side markers... never use the inlay markers on the front for navigation. I don't know, I think it looks kinda cool without any dots. Kinda stealth, eh? B)

  5. Hmm... I don't recall a 25 fret guitar but I remember some high fretted guitars like Uli Jon Roth's Sky guitars (one had 36 and another 42, IIRC.) There were also these strange looking guitars by Danelectro called Longhorns, I believe. The last one I can think of is the Stratum.

  6. At the other extreme of the resent inlay posts (beautiful work, btw!) I'm curious to the feasibility of removing pre-existing dot marker inlays and filling the holes cleanly... achieving this look:


    I found this thread on removing them. Any suggestions on how/what to fill them with on an ebony fretboard? Has anyone done this? I'm planing on re-radiusing the fretboard so I'll be sure to save the ebony dust.

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