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About jbkim

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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    Portland, OR

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  1. It's just jbkim now . Hmm... I'd offer to do the Java (JavaScript?) implementation but I'm getting ready to move across country, get married and buy a house .
  2. You need to find a better free hosting site .
  3. I'd think the "easiest" conversion of a normal neck would be to use the existing nut and add the ferrules. Using a steinberger-like setup would be pretty slick but would be much more complex (I'd think.) Langley Guitars and Reith Guitars both offer Steinberger headpieces if that's the way you'd want to go.
  4. I think you could. You could use ferrules like for the one Vendelcrow made here. I don't think he converted his but you can get an idea of what'd be involved.
  5. It pays to read the F.A.Q http://www.projectguitar.com/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png' alt=':D'>. Use the Time Shift tool.
  6. Ooh! I was gonna suggest fiberglass or foam .
  7. I've used matchsticks for this before.
  8. Practice.
  9. Have you tried http://www.justinking.com/
  10. What?!?! I'm not pretty enough for you guys!
  11. Very nice! Ugh, dial-up sux.
  12. Are we ready for C-A-G-E-D yet?
  13. I was thinking more along the lines of posting your own backing track that you've recorded yourself vs. copyrighted recordings put out by the magazines... regardless of who originally wrote the tunes. Basically the copyright on the recordings, not the song writing credit. I'd check the copyright notice for the tracks from the magazines.
  14. I'd worry about posting copyrighted material.
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