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Posts posted by Venom300

  1. airbrush isn't gonna get you where you need to be. They are fine for doing smaller work, but a guitar requires more coverage than an airbrush can provide. Get yourself a decent jam gun, and you should be good to go.

    I don't know ,I have an airbrush and you would be surprised the work I can get done with my paasche vl2 .. they sell larger tips and on the inside of the gun there is a cone that goes around the needle they sell wider one's that will allow more paint the flow throught the airbrush. I know they say that you won't get a good finish with it but I can't complain. the coverage is pretty good!.. but i haven't cleared any of them yet still working on that. if someone knows other wise please correct me on this


  2. I got a guitar painted and i am taking it to my automotive sprayer on mon or tue of next week. He said something about the stuff that he sprays may bust up the paint. Do you think that I'll be okay with acrylic paint like createx or brush on paints. I just don't feel like painting it again nor do i feel like stripping it. Thanks I appreciate it

    Venom :D:D

  3. The first time I used Deft (spray can) I rushed the paint job and sprayed to often and to wet. It was like 6 weeks before I could wet sand with out the paper loading up. I learned my lesson and took my time spraying the next one. I still will wait 1 month minimum to sand and buff. Other then long cure time, I have no complaints about spray can Deft. I like the build another guitar while your waiting advise. Say, did anyone notice that this is addictive?

    With the deft how should you spray.. do you need to reapply after you give it a good spray...some one told me to do a dust coat then two medium passes ... is that all? How many more time should I coat it? If I need to put more on (which i would think so), How long do I wait in between. Sorry for so many question I just want my guitar to turn out right.


  4. I have never successfully sprayed clearcoat on a guitar. I am about to try again with deft nitro and had horrible results with min-wax poly. (mostly my fault because im a newb but you live and you learn) So with this guitar i would like to make sure that it comes out right. I have a couple questions.

    1. While spraying should it be vertical or horizontal? the only reason i ask this is because i know that nitro has a long dry time and was curious if i put it in a box and set it in the sun would that be okay.

    2. When they say its not durable how not durable is it? Every time I play it will it chip or is it not that extreme.

    Also I would like to say that everyone on guitar forum has been very helpful and i would like to say Thanks!


  5. Stupid question of the day......I am painting a Iceman body with House of Kolor paint. Ebay is selling 4 ounce sizes. If I use a HVLP gun, do you think 4 ounces will be enough for one body?

    Also, how many onces of clear would you suggest?

    This my first stab at using an HVLP system, so any help is appreciated



    4 ounces sounds a little thin.. better to have to much paint than not enough!


  6. Just make sure that you lay the coat thin if you don't have much experience. I spray a dusted coat, then follow with 1 or 2 medium passes. Then wait a few hours and repeat.

    I appreciate the help. That guitar looks sweet too! do you have any other pictures i can look at of it?



  7. :D I am a newbie and I did some searching on the site about brush on lacquer because I was thinking about using it. I just had a strip a guitar that i put rattle can minwax on, but didn't sand in between the coats and wound up with witness lines. I found Deft Nitro in one of the threads and it said that they made it in a rattle can.. Where can i get this in a rattle can and how does it react with airbrush paint like createx.. I appreciate the help.


  8. The main problem with this particular material is that its water based. So you can guess what will happen when you start wetsanding, :D. Minwax poly would have worked better because its oil based.

    Hate to do it but im a newb... I can't guess what would happen but sure am curious. Is water based material easier or harder to wet sand than oil based material?


  9. I hate lacquer as well....doesn't blend together to my liking and I have trouble keeping dust out of it..1 because im a newb and 2 because i don't have a proper booth..anybody know any tricks? don't mean to be interupting the current thread just curious. I talked with a local auto body shop and he said he would spray for 40 so i am considering going that route.


  10. I appreciate all the advice. The reason actually that I picked this guitar is because I am practicing custom finishes and this is one of my project guitars. Not actually important that I finish the guitar. Since i'll be airbrushing artwork on all my bodies there no need to burn it, It'll make a good practice guitar.. I'll probably finish the guitar because because I like the body style. The Mechanics of it don't make it look any less beautiful when I'm done. Since this def isn't going to be my last guitar I can work on the rg550 later.

    Thanks Again


  11. Well Im a newb and I don't have any of the hardware the only part of the guitar that I have right now is the body.. so i can build whatever i want on to it .... in the cases of the bodies do they differ from the rg's that ibanez makes. For the Ibanez's does it have to be an ibanez neck or can i use another type of neck. I appreciate all the help


  12. I am building an rg270 and I need a couple question answered first

    1. What neck do I purchase with this guitar?

    2. What pickups come stock in this guitar and what is a good upgrade? (thinking about emg 85)

    or if i wanna go the cheap route. where can i get some decent humbuckers for this guitar for pretty cheap?

    I've searched the forum for rg270 and These were the 2 questions I couldn't answer. I have already decided to go with the schaller trem. since the guitar is going to be burnt orange and yellow I am going to use black nobs(tuners too) and a black trem. I appreciate your help


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