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Posts posted by Venom300

  1. I am also working on my first guitar and think i might be in over my head because today when i was wetsanding my guitar i sanded through one spot. I can't tell how thick my clear coat is and i can't tell when i have sanded enough? I can't get the guitar to dull and flat all in one area there are specks of shine in it. is that a problem or will is show up when i polish it? Just thought that you being a newbie you would be able to tell me what helped you with your guitar?


  2. thanks i was wondering what that was. Is there any way to fix that while you are spraying or is it just something you have to deal with? I was also wondering about wetsanding. I have never done it before and i am sure that there is a tutorial on it but i was gonn ask since someone brought it up. Could someone help me. I don't know whether i should bare down hard and after i sand do i need to add another coat of clear?

    I appreciate the help


  3. Nice. I'm a huge McFarlane fan and had all the #1 covers for that issue. As long as that orange peel in the pictures isn't under the clear, that's going to be an awesome looking guitar!


    What do you mean by Orange peel? Thanks I am still working on it. I am wetsanding today and then probably adding another layer of clear.


  4. Just wanted to thank everyone on guitar forum for all the help and questions with refinishing my first guitar. This is a picture of it while the final clear coat is drying. There is still much sanding and polishing to be done but i wanted to let everyone see how it is coming along.

    I got the idea from this comic book.




    Tell me what you guys think!!


    Ps also let me know if there is anywhere in ga that i can learn hands on how to be a luthier. :D

  5. Hey I have been working on a guitar for about 3 weeks now and i wanted to post a picture of it on here. So everyone could see how my first guitar turned out. I plan on continuing to make guitars and would like to share my ideas. Where on projectguitar.com can i send my pics to be seen by other gutiar lovers?

    steve :D

  6. I appreciate all the information> I didn't know if there was a set rate for certain graphics. No its not a decal I am airbrushing and fine detail painting. My dad is going to help me with the business license when i decide to start.. and with some of the financing and taxes. Because he is a small businesss owner as well. I was just looking at what a market average would be.

    Appreciate it

  7. Hey I am starting a business putting custom graphics on guitars. and I have been using this site for help. Well now my first customer has arrived and i don't know what to charge. How much do people generally charge for Custom Graphics on a guitar? If someone could let me know i would appreciate it greatly.


  8. Hey i have an idea for a guitar... i was gonna paint some trippy looking stuff over a cream stratocaster. But I will be using acrylics and i would be brushing it on. First is this okay? and second when i dries will i need to sand it or what? has anyone here ever brushed on acrylics and had success? If so let me know :D

  9. another question... I have two guitar that i wanna strip chemically. What is the best stuff to use? also i have an artist who is gonna be brushing acrylic onto one of the guitars for me. Is it best to put a light coat of white on the guitar before she starts. and am i going to have to sand the brush strokes out of the guitar or would it better to use some sort of filler to fill in the gaps?


  10. Hey I am new to building guitars and have found this site to be rather helpful. I have an idea for a stratocaster and i want to put a cream color on the guitar like jimi hendrixes... i have ordered a body that has been sealed and is ready to paint. What paint should I use for the base coat, where can i go to get it and do i need to primer first?



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