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Everything posted by au3078

  1. you can cut a full size block down for the floyd rose bridge thats what I did. I just dril the holes for the spring hooks deeper and then cut some off with a hacksaw and tryign to keep everything square and pretty and then used a file to clean it up. it tells u how to do this in "Guitar Player Repair Guide."
  2. I dont know how well filling the chambers with another wood would be because if you want to fool around with different wood you want it tight enough not rattle( that might be a cool effect in its self tho) but yet you will still have to get it out to change it. but you change figure it out if you want to try it bad enough. hmm Im starting to thinking its workable just needs planning just dont know how it will sound tho
  3. then go with the Minwax® Polycrylic® Protective Finish it supose to be clear. you can look it up at www.minwax.com in the protective seals I think. they dont have any spray type listed but Im almost postive they make it cuz I have the ultra fast drying stuff ina spray and it isnt listed either. good luck
  4. I dont know how much this will help you bout go menad's or lowe's and look up the Minwax® Polycrylic® Protective Finish if I remeber right they have it in spray cans but it will most likely go on thin. they also have Fast-Drying Polyurethane too but it kinda tints everything yellowish. I dont know how much help that is. but it is somethign to look into I guess
  5. you could leave the area around the neck "loose" so then that way you wouldnt have to be as careful changing? still have to be careful tho. its kind has endless possiblities. you just have to plan ahead and think about where your going to locate you screws and then leave enough wood to screw to. really I thought it was a cool stupid idea that would work too well but thoguth I would throw it out for some feed back. now it doesnt seem so stupid hehe
  6. I was thinking you could glue it too but then you wouldnt really need to unscrew it but I dont see the need to unscrew it unless you screw up
  7. I had a weird idea. could u screw the top on a hollowbody? I know predrill and be really safe when you do it and countersink the head but would it sound right?
  8. has any one made one? if so what did u use to make it? how much harder is it to make it? or am i just to want to make one or what? sorry lots of questions. maybe a radius from 10 to 16
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