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the third eye

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Posts posted by the third eye

  1. So your saying you can play better? Or just don't like his style? I find it really hard to believe that you wouldn't even consider him good at what he does.. you may not like it. I personally don't care for Nascar, but I respect what they do and can appreciate the fact that they worked hard to be able to excell at what they do. No, I don't listen to Yngwie everyday, I'd rather listen to Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van or Jimmy Page, but I still can appreciate Yngwie for what he has accomplished. Let's just say I've heard worse guitar players.. lol..


    P.S. This post wasn't meant to make anyone mad.. just to make you think...

    i simply said that it's your opinion that he's one of the best in the world,

    in my opinion he's not because he doesn't do enough for me

    speed and technical skills are great but are weak unless backed up by feel, emotion and musicality(not saying he doesn't have that but that when i hear it, it doesn't shine through IMO)

    PS: nothing wrong with good hard conversation

    PPS:Hendrix rules!!! :D

  2. the evo7 is a lot different to the 6 string evo, you might still like to check it out...

    the tone zone is great for lead, i've never had the chance to give one a good metal workout

    the perfect metal sound is extremely subjective, i myself went through a tonne of 'ideals' when i was a full-on metalhead :D

  3. yngwie is a great player but a very repetitive player and IMHO not a good songwriter

    being an asshole doesn't help his image either

    i think paul gilbert could do the G3 thing easy, just because he hasn't released that sort of solo stuff doesn't mean he couldn't

    would you say yngwie has released anything along the same lines as G3?


    don't forget PG is very educated in musicality

  4. u mean brushed steal?

    ya i'm one of those anti ibanez tremolo guys, well not that it's ibanez i dislike, it's the whole "liscenced" genre.. though there are some good copies ou there, i prefer the real thing, i snagged a brand new still in box real Floyd Pro on ebay for 135$ :D

    have you properly compared the two??

    on most points the lo pro edge is actually the better trem

    and after playing both i've become an edge addict

    just because one is the 'real thing' doesn't mean it's followers can't succeed it B)

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