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the third eye

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Posts posted by the third eye

  1. dimebucker is imo the most aggresive and clear passive pickup in existence.and more sustain than the emg 81

    really? my friend has one and as far as i remember we both thought it was kinda ****...

    a bit too muddy, gain was i guess good, for a high gain Pup but wasn't as aggressive as a few others we'd tried... (evo, screamin demon?, and some other duncan i think..)

    i wish i coulda compared it directly to a tonezone....anyway, in my memory the tonezone sounded WAY better... definitely warmer & clearer :D

  2. but if you took a lot of time and care..

    they're only dots so it's not a large thing that needs sanding

    and being careful with glue, so there's no excess spilling onto the fretboard,

    then use a dremel and various sandpapers with dowel wrapped in them

    (circular dowel to match the dot inlays, so there's no unwanted sanding on the fretboard)

    and when it's close enough to level lightly sanding each fret evenly...

    might work?

  3. HAHAHAA!!!

    i wonder whether you could swap the covers around in the store?

    Teen chick= "hey i rented the britney spears crossroads movie

    huh? who is this guitar

    genius? ....s.....st....steve...v...v..vai?

    surely he is the greatest guitarist ever!! i'll give up pop now.."

    not likely?

  4. holy **** that's awesome!!

    my fave's were,kickflip noseslides, crooked grinds, frontside boardslide shovit outs(shove its work out of so many slides and grinds ay?)

    uhh...cabballerials...360 flips, frontside flips, heelflip varials....

    most stairs for me was kickflip-5 ollie-8

    i have a feeling you all would kick my ass.....

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