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  1. [quote name='Scott D.' post='5541' date='Mar 23 2003, 10:46 PM'] Hey all, I am redoing a Dean - Eighty Eight. I have a passion for making things custom, or just to modify. I am getting rid of the Floyd Rose, and Putting in a string through body hardtail bridge. This body isnt routed like a normal floyd rose guitar, it does NOT have the ressessed cavity for the floyd rose to sit in, its just a hole for the T to go into, then it just sits on the body, so its not a big hole (this is in the front of the body). I was first thinking about just leaving the cavity in the BACK of the guitar where the T goes to string the bridge, and then filling the rest of the cavity were the 2 screws and the springs are for the floyd, or any trem for that matter. I was wondering if there would be a way, that I could have it, to where I can Fill that ENTIRE cavity with a couple pieces of wood and putty, and still be able to used the Eyelits like in a regular string thru body guitar. I dont know if I made any sence at all to you, but if it did, give me a reply. **Guitar is being re-finished too** Thanks guys- Scott [/quote]
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