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tele stan

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  1. okay so I think I'm gonna go with spirit stains then. From what I found there aren't any Chestnut dealers in Poland. The closest are in germany so I guess I'll have to use a different brand. Do you know any other good ones?
  2. If it works I might just use staining. Thanks for that idea! Acutally I'm from Poland do I guess that I should be looking at uk/eu market.
  3. Are there any downsides to staining fretboards? I've never heard of that
  4. Im not sure which one exactly. All I know for now is that I'll try to get as close as possible to this thing I build on some custom shop's website. If I bought it from them I would've spent about 2000 euros what is far beyond my budget so I thought why not build it myself.
  5. I'm planning to build a guitar from a diy kit where the neck is maple, Im realli digging the roasted maple neck style. I was wondering if I bought such a kit and just exposed the neck to the appropriate temperature would it work? Will there be a problem with the frets and thrust rod being put in?
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