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Posts posted by radrobgray

  1. well i guess untill i get more acquainted wiht my spray equipment i wont give that exact finish a go. i think ill just practice that one on some scrap for a long time till i get it correct.

    are there any easier ways to do a burst with those colors? it doesnt have to look the same just similar colors.

    btw the tut i was looking at is: link

    i think i maye beable to do that one, but is it harder than it looks? i dont want to ruin my top, back , and headstock.

  2. i know thats a computer rendering, a good one too. i was just wanting to do something similar, the colors on that are awsome. if that tutorials not explaining what i want to do, what do i do? i have a spraygun setup, but, ive only painted one guitar. i did a great job(i think so anyways), no runs, even coats etc... could i just do what that tutorial ses but start with a sand back and then use different colors? this ones got me confuzzled.

  3. im wanting to do a burst like so: Fireburst i saw the tutorial for sunbursting with aniline dyes, got the concept, now i need the products to do it. what colors do i need to do something similar? amber, orange, brown, dark brown? also what brand and supplyer do you guys reccomend?

    also in the tutorial theres no step for sanding back just the burst. at what point would i do the sand back? after prep, but before sealer, or after prep and sealer. then would i have to seal it again then do the burst?

    thanks a ton in advance.

  4. Do you have to coat the fret board? Wouldn't it be OK to just leave it as you would if you had frets? I'd oil it etc but is epoxy that necessary?

    i uesd the epoxy to fill the fret slots, the board was ebony (hard enough for fretlessness), and he used flat-wound strings to reduce the ware, so no you dont need epoxy at all you could just use veneer to fill the slots. depending on the type of wood the board is made of determines really if you could even make it fretless, if the woods too soft itll just wear divots in your board. if you do it at least use an ebony board.

  5. For the chain mail i do not reccomend using galvinized steel as it will never get shiny, unless you remove the coating some how.

    ... AND occasionally stick it in a bucket and spray some oil on it to stop it rusting.

    i used aluminum rings the second time to avoid this, and for the guage or wire and type of weave i did it was strong enough to hold up a guitar and more. plus it was really shiny.

  6. well, thats you and me in dumbass corner then! :D

    Thinking about it, its habit to place your finger behind the fret you are playing. With a fretless guitar, your brain would interpret the fret markers in the same way and I can forsee a player fretting the string so its slightly flat because you aim to place your finger behind the fret, and in my mind, that would be slightly off key. You may need to adjust the position of any markers to compensate for the lack of frets, but then again, it may need a few attempts to get it right :$

    Does that make sence?

    you dont have to move the markers just compinsate with intonation. i did a fretless conversion to a friends bass, i tryed epoxy, it worked ok. it was a pain to level the board so there were no buzzes. its really fun to play.

  7. ahhh, im starting a new build. dinky/soloist(is there even a difference?), h-s-s, neck thru, floyd rose, sustainiac sustainer, 3 peice lam maple neck, honduran mahogany body, and a 1/4" flame maple top. now my question is how/when do i apply the maple top to the neck thru blank and how?

    the body is 1 1/8", the top is 1/4", neck blank is 2"

    do i cut out the fretboard spot and put it on? glue the fretboard on the top? i do not need neck angle as i am recessing my floyd so what would yous guys suggest?

    thanks in advance


  8. im not running that much gear, pretty simple.

    Marshall JCM900 100w Head
    Ampeg 4x12 Cab

    Crybaby Wha
    MXR Phase 90
    Boss Metal Zone
    Holy Grail Reverb (in the loop)

    Red vee i built (see pic link below)
    Original Floyd Rose w/ Bill Lawrence USA XL500s

    Green ESP LTD M350
    Original Floyd Rose w/ XL500 bridge, Duncan 59 neck.

    Black Ibanez JS100 (will soon get a new neck with scalloped frets)
    Ibanez floyd w/ EMG 81s

    Ovation acoustic of some sort

    [url="http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/Distorted_Frequency/TheMetal.jpg"]The Red Vee and I[/url]and the singer/rhythm guitarist to our band.

    will post more pics of the gear tomarrow, probably. :D

  9. Dude, it's an Epiphone. Play the hell out of it, beat the @#$% out if it. Why would you want to SIMULATE it. Friggin just DO it. If you hate the color so much, why did you buy it? I hate simulated relicing. Such a poser move, really. SRV didn't relic his Strat. He played it, unmercilessly. That's how it got like that. Do the real deal, dude.

    Have you ever tried wearing down a poly finish? He could play that epi the rest of his life and not rub through the clear.
    its not worth worrying about.

    stop worrying about what it looks like and play it. Good playing will grab more attention than how your guitar looks. go practice. :D

  10. if you want steve harris, just get one split coil single (passive) for the middle and play wiht fingers. geddy lee uses jazz bass singles and plays wiht his fingers. i guess you could put a jazz single bridge side and a slpit coil single for the middle, then you could have the best of both worlds. refer to pic if i didnt make any sense.

    pups likes so

    i think a Precision Bass and no pickguard with that setup would look sweet, but thats just me.

  11. what do you plan to play? with a pick or without one? my bassist personal opinion is that one split single is best for finger playing and that a humbucker is better for a pick, but thats just what he likes as far as sound. he also has said that the emgs (split single) are too bright.

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