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Posts posted by radrobgray

  1. ive been looking on the net for a black nashville TOM and i cant find one for the life of me. all i see is gold, chrome, nickle. i dont want to spray paint it black. can anyone kindly direct me to a place that sells such a bridge.

    also since this will be the first guitar ive ever owned or built without a floyd rose, what sizes of nut slot files should i acquire? the strings i will be using are d'addario 9's

  2. i dont think that thats even real snake skin. i just bought a shat load of stuff made out of boa and king cobra(i went on a trip to the philippines and the stuff was cheap), wallets, belts, watch bands, guitar straps, hat, shoes and none of them look like taht. nitefly sa prolly correct bout the cutting out scales ect.

  3. i know how to build a neck and ive read up on scalloping a neck, but i have a question. whn i build the neck how do i avoid making the scallops too close to the truss rod? i want to use a stew mac 2 way rod and i was wondering if i could rout the channel a bit deeper and then put a peice of wood atop the rode then do the fret board thing.

  4. i reccomend getting the EH holy grail verb. very nice pedal i have one, but if you set the reverb level too high you get a volume drop. i assume you have an fx loop, you can adjust the vol drop with the level stuff in the loop.

  5. how do these work i saw one at stewmac but i didnt understand how they worked. does each position activate only one pup at a time...

    also do you know of any 3 way strat style switches that have one position for each pup. i dont usually combine pup configureations. the guitar i want this for has teh H-S-H config.

  6. ive seen that alot of people drill the holes for pup, strap, and jack screws after paint. is there any reason for this? if i drill the holes before i paint will something horrable happen? the only bad thing i can think of is that the hole will absorb the finish and swell the wood round it, but im not sure.

  7. i did a search on poly and it has raised many questions i would like an answer to because i plan on using it for my next guitar. i read that the poly in cans(minwax) and the two-part poly are different.

    How different are they? (i know that theyre different in the whole fact that one is one-part and the other is two-part)

    Do they both cure in the same amount of time?

    Are they both just as durable?

    Is use of the Poly in a can(minwax) suggested?

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