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Everything posted by icetrey

  1. It's a Tom Delonge Signature Fender. Not sure when it was made, I just know they only made them a few years. Sry, I should've put this when I wrote that other. Anywayz, I have a dent or a pretty deep scratch I need to fix. Will I need to go through the sanding sealer to get to where I can fix it? And what should I fix it with?
  2. How do I know if it's finished in Poly Urethane?
  3. I was wondering if anybody has just sanded down to the sanding sealer that's already on the guitar instead of sanding to the bare wood then applying sanding sealer? Would that not be easier, is there a reason for not doing that?
  4. What type of paint do I need to be using and where would I go to get this I need mixed?
  5. Ok, I've already painted one guitar with some paint that I got at a paint shop in Albertville (a town close to where I live). I'm not sure what kind of paint it was I just know that the guy that worked there said that he has painted plenty of guitars before and that's what I needed to use. The paint worked fine, the only problem is I need a better shine because the guitar now reminds me of Pepto Bismo (however u spell it). And that guitar was also just a $70 guitar I got to practice my painting skills on. But now I'm movin up to my $400 Tom Delonge Fender and thought I should put some more into it. I don't care to order paint off the internet and I don't care to spend a descent amount of money on it as long as it'll be worth it. Also, the color pink I'm lookin for is a hot pink. But not a girly hot pink. It's hard to explain. I don't know how to post pics since I joined the forums only about 5 minutes ago but if you'll give me your e-mail I can send u a picture of the color I'm talking about. Or you could just tell me how to post one. Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it.
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