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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Ok.... I'm looking at where it connects to the main board.... There seems to be another amp there (I've been googling the chip names to see what they are), but I have no idea how to tell whats useful and whats not. It gets really crazy and complicated... If all else fails it would make a cool guitar top Like this guitar: http://www.girlbrand.com/electroB.jpg Or I could salvage some of the components maybe... what do you think one of the huge 3300 uf caps would sound like on a tone pot?
  2. Seems to make sense... but bear in mind that the magnetic polarity on one is S and the other is N... I *think* that that means that they'll induce opposite voltages (out of phase voltages) , so wiring them out of phase will be like doubly out of phase = in phase. Kudos to you if you can make sense of that Its hard to try to explain something that I dont fully understand. George- the diagram is supposed to have 2 magnets- I think thats how P-90s are amde (but im not completely sure, thats something I'm trying to confirm) I'm presuming that the 2 souths in the centre give the pickup an 'overall' south polarity.
  3. Nice idea! Semi hollows usually have a solid core I think... I think thats why they're called semi hollow, because they're part solidbody part hollow.
  4. I've found where the mic-jack is connected- its on a seperate board. Looks like it has been bought prefabricated and stuck in the unit as an after thought or something.... Theres a separate circuitboard that the mic-jack's connected to, its a different colour to all the other boards and stamped 'sony'. It has a chip on it with 5218A stamped on it. I looked it up- its an op-amp. It looks too small and simple to be the power amp.. could this be the pre-amp or something? Theres loads of wires that were connected to the main PCB coming from it. I'd guess the 'real' amp is located on the big board... I'll try to find the point at which it used to connect to the main baord
  5. I thought it wouldnt, but I think somebody at the MIMForum told me it did once... thats what I'm a little uncertain about... The diagram has one coil (or at least its meant to look like it does ) Its meant to show a coil of copper wire wrapped around the steel core in the centre. I *think* I saw the magnets arranged like that on Jason Lollar's site once, but the diagram doesnt seem to be there anymore...so maybe it was another site. I just want to confirm that this is OK before I go wind anything.
  6. Cool, I'd heard reports that wiring P-90s like a humbucker just made it sound like mud. I'm doing lots of experimenting with the wiring on this guitar, and one of the things I'm doing will allow me to vary the resistance of the pickup, so if it does sound too muddy I could decreace the resistance a bit and brighten it up a little.
  7. Just 2 quick questions: Is the arrangement of the magnets on the left correct for a P-90? (the block in the centre is steel) Could this arrangement with these 2 pickups be used to create a humbucking effect ? (Coils are wound in same direction- I'll flip the wires on one) I'm pretty sure that the answers to both of these questions is yes, but I just want to make 100% sure before I start winding anything. I thought I saw the P-90 magnet layout somewhere before, but I cant seem to find it any more to confirm. I know the humbucking effect might not be perfect since the coils are a little mis-matched, but I'm not too bothered. Also it may look like it will sound like mud with the two in series, but I've thought about that.
  8. I like it! So the knob above the bridge is the volume? Strange place to put it, but if thats what the customer requested... I like the headstock and body shape. The body looks comfy!
  9. Also, anyone have any idea how I can isolate which parts of these huge circuit boards is the mic amp that I was going to try to salvage?
  10. Do I need to remove the top of the bobbin then?, or will the wire just bend around it? (if that makes sense) Whats the problem with the bobbin rotating? Thanks! I'm glad to hear that the counter works well too!
  11. Thats cool! The strat and tele features look to go together well Did you make the neck too?
  12. HELL YEAH!!! it works! Heres my VERY crude pickup winder It looks so crappy its almost funny, but it works! -The base is expanded polystyrene from the packaging our TV came in. -The copper wire is mounted on a pencil that I jabbed into the polystyrene. -The wire guide is something I found in the cellar -The big tube thing was the method I used to hold a whole pack of AA batteries in series giving a total voltage of 6V for the motor. Heres the carnage from the ex-hifi I'm thinking of using a reed switch and wiring the winder up to my computer via the serial port (as described HERE) That way I can use the computer to count the turns and set an alarm off when its wound enough. I might also try to neaten it up too, maybe construct a wooden base and set it up to run from the mains (with a transformer obviously) Ill also add a proper on/off switch and a pot to vary the speed.
  13. Salvaged a motor from the tape deck, and theres another identical one in there that I cant get at without a smaller screwdriver. It has 4 wires for some reason, but using 2 it will run from a battery, so it looks like it will work! Its pretty feeble with a 1.5V battery, but more power should make it stronger. I'm going to try to make it into a winder now
  14. OK, I've begun to disect an old hifi. The inside looks a lot like a computer. Oh, and I'm not dead (yet) btw The thing has 2 tape decks and a CD player, so plenty of motors to try. The reason I'm disecting the hifi and not the VCR is because I want to convert the rest of it into an amp If I plug my guitar into the headphone socket it works as a pretty decent amp. Has reverb too. I just plan to pull the circuit board out of this and hook up the 2 large speakers it came with I have a feeling the motors may well be two weak, but its worth a try. BTW those power caps are HUGE. There's plenty of pots and switches to salvage too.
  15. If you do decide to use nitro (and if you dont have a spray gun etc) then this person: http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html is great to deal with and sells tinted nitro. Where about in west yorkshire are you from? I'm in Halifax/Huddersfield area.
  16. I would *guess* that an apprenticeship would seem more appropriate than a university course for something like guitar building... Although there are plenty of vocational degrees so who knows.
  17. Looks pretty damn convincing! I wouldnt bother deliberately adding any more dings or scrapes if it were me, just play it now and let them create themselves I still love the paintjob! I think I've heard people report cracks in the finish when they've sprayed nitro over acrylic BTW. Obviously, read up before you go buy any nitro I think it was at the MIMForum, so you may want to check there.... Just an idea. You can buy/make tinted laquer too to help with the yellowing. Or buy tinted nitro! Kill 2 birds with 1 stone Again, nice work!
  18. I only know of one... Its not that local, but its not too far. I like the idea of the freead website. A while back I used a site called 'freecycle' and got a load of nice wood. I'll post an add now actually. I may still disect the VCR though, its not like it will ever get used again for anything else. Thanks!
  19. The VCR has been unplugged for 2 years! I guessed that the caps would have discharged long ago, theres just so many big warning stickers on the thing that I got scared I guess you discharge the caps by bridging the two terminals? I have a far bit of theoretical knowledge about electricity (from physics lessons), but not so much practical experience; which is what makes me feel a little cautious of things with stickers on them telling me I'm gonna die.
  20. I'm going to be winding 3 or 4 pickup coils soon, so I want to build a motorised pickup winder. I've got everything sorted...execpt my source for the motor. I was going to use an old turntable, but its been disposed of without me knowing So now I need a motor... I have a few possibilities; a VCR, a cassette player and a CD player. The VCR and cassette player seem best IMO (fast forward could be useful).. but the DANGER OF DEATH DO NOT OPEN stickers on the back put me off a little... RC car is another idea, but it was an expensive one that probably would have a decent resale value on eBay. I'm wiring it up to my PC for the counter. Any ideas? what sort of household things might have a useable motor? (and no, we dont have a sewing machine, and the motor in my old lego is broken) If all else fails I can always buy a motor, but wheres the fun in that?
  21. Thats a good idea, but holding my guitar and looking at the position my thumb is in I dont think there'd be enough room still. I do have pretty big hands though, it might be better for people with small hands or people who like to play with their hand in a classical position with their thumb on the back of the neck. Anyway.. thats acedemic now I decide to just make my mind up, so its going to be a double cut. I made a second mini-template and I've nearly finished cutting the body out. I was going to take pics and start another thread in the 'In Progress and Finished Work' section, but I didnt have time. I'll be back at my dads on monday evening so I'll get some photos then. Oh, and it wil be a carved top too. A router slip made that decision for me
  22. I already made a LP template a while back and I'm wanting to see if I can modify that instead of needing to buy more MDF / freehanding it with the jigsaw. Im not so keen on the gretsch/ danelectro double cuts personally To be honest I think I'm leaning more towards the DC version because of the better upper fret thumb access... I might just make another template and make that. I know I could create my own design, but I cant be bothered really... I like the LPDC design so I might just go with it. (Plus I really liked Setch's one:)) I might just make another mini-template for just the horns actually, and use the LP template for the rest
  23. I just tried layering two photos over each other... it seems that outline of the the right hand horn on the LPDC differs quite a lot from that of the LP... otherwise they do seem much more similar than I'd have guessed... I think the reason I thought the DC was 'squatter' is because of the positioning of the hardware being different. I'd be fine if it wasnt for that one little bit of the DC horn poking over the single cut outline
  24. For my cheapo spare-parts guitar I intend to build I'm pretty sure I want to use a LP or LPDC body shape... I'm just not sure which I'm wondering if I could just cut out a LP shape, and then modify later if I change my mind. I'd always thought that the two body shapes werent as similar as the names suggest, to me the LPDC looks shorter and squatter, but then I saw this pic: http://www.provide.net/~woodrails/galpics/lpsp_2.jpg With the two next to each other they look a lot more similar than I thought. The right hand horn looks slightly different, but not significantly, and the neck joints are obviously different, but otherwise they do look almost identical... Anyway, what do you think? Could I cut out a LP, and still have the option of converting it later?
  25. Nice cat We had a cat ages ago that once brought home a mole that was as big as it was. (the cat actually got stolen! some people nearby who also liked her, and would feed her occasionally decided to take her with them when they moved house!. ) I have a friend who's cat used to bring home dead mice/birds.. etc on a daily basis- every time they'd shout at it to try to make it stop, which it eventually did. Anyway, about a few weeks later it apparantly came home with a sausage in its mouth thats was still hot- it had stolen it from a neighbours BBQ Your gas fire looks identical to the one my grandad used to have btw.
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