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Everything posted by fabyo

  1. Thank you very much for the clarification! I think I'll go the safe route and just ground the frame of the switch, since the göldo has already a spot for that
  2. No problem at all Just to help you sleep better: I need only one sound because I am no versatile player at all, I just wanna go low end and chug and do metalcore riffs, no need for me to get anything more than one good sound for that
  3. Thank you very much for your reply! That way I wouldn't have to ground the switch anymore because I already do it with the A2 and A3 right?
  4. hi, thanks for your reply! I know I dont need a switch but I want to use it as an on-off switch (bridge position is sound on, neck position is sound off). The reason for that is that I am upgrading from a (cheaper) guitar body and I can cover up the holes where the pots were more easily than the holes of the 3-way switch. I just need to know how to wire the 3way switch to the jack
  5. to make it clear, my guitar will only have one pickup and one 3-way switch thats why I dont know how to exactly wire it correctly
  6. hi, can you guys please tell me how to wire a single pickup (lundgren m6) to a 3-way switch? (used switch link: https://www.musikhaus-korn.de/de/goeldo-el3pl-standard-3-weg-schalter-2-ebenen/pd/189253?utm_source=GoogleMHK&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=csv&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0dnp2oDc8wIVjOF3Ch1t-QeFEAQYASABEgID9_D_BwE) How far I am atm: - hot to #1 - solder #4 to #5 - PU ground to switch ground but what number should I solder from the switch to the tip of the jack? And do I have to do anything more to the switch other than said above? thanks in advance and please excuse my lack of knowledge, cant find anything in the internet about this specific setup and its my first guitar build ever greetings from germany fabian
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