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Posts posted by spindlebox

  1. I can't figure out how to edit comments so I'll post another:

    I just researched tinted epoxy and BOY are there a TON of options.  I could have whatever color/material I want.  EVEN GLOW IN THE DARK!!  I am totally going to go this route.  All I have to do is make my "drill" and template, affix it to my headstock where I want the logo, and then after that's done - pour my desired filler.  Sand it when it's done.  Thanks again Bizman!

  2. 2 hours ago, Bizman62 said:

    Hi and welcome!

    I'm by no means an expert in inlaying so I can't give you any advice. But as a fellow novice I can tell what frightens me!

    The outlines should be easy, just get a drill bit of the right size and drill the four circles, no need for routing or carving. Just like you'd do with round fretboard markers...

    But how to fill the inside, that's the question! The metal pipe idea sounds good until you start thinking about overlapping the rings. That should be easier than cutting abalone, though. Just make a plan about where to cut the ring to fit the next one and where to file the round edge flush for the center. Like this:


    Thinking further, filling the center would still be an issue. Cutting tiny pieces is one option. Filling with something like tinted epoxy is another.

    Rethinking the tube idea revealed yet another option: You can file teeth to the end of the tube so that it becomes a perfectly sized plug drill. That would carve nice circles and leave the inner areas intact. Locating the rings precisely can be an issue - which could be addressed by a simple template, a piece of board that has the four holes drilled to guide the tube "drill".

    I think you may have given me an idea, and thank you for your answer!!  I think your last paragraph, where you mention filing the tube has given me ANOTHER idea.  

    Perhaps I can grab a small metal tube, and fit i to a drill bit, and sharpen up the ends of the tube so it cuts into the wood, and then make a template like you suggest!!  That way, I can just drill the holes out - and then figure out how to fill it.  Some sort of powder/dust/material and CA glue might be an option.  Some experimentation is in order!

    Thank you for your help!!!

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  3. I am looking for ideas on how to do my logo as an inlay and pop it on the top of the headstock.  For instance, Crimson Guitars has a little steel logo that they cut out and place in the space they route/cut.  I am looking for something like that really, to make it easier/faster to pop my logo in the very top of the headstock.  

    I was thinking some sort of 3D printout might be good, but I'd like for it to be a simple monochromatic color, or black and white at most.  Something that will go with pretty much any headstock.  Another idea is to do a black one and white one, and place whichever one looks best on each particular guitar.  I also thought of getting some sort of metal pipe and cutting out the circles and laying them out like that - but I'm not sure how that would turn out.  Probably not bigger than a USA nickel or so I'm thinking it will be.

    Certainly, I could meticulously cut it out and place it by hand in abalone or something, but boy would that be intense.  I have attached my logo below for sake of discussion.  

    Thanks in advance for your help and ideas!!


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