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Posts posted by RVA

  1. 9 hours ago, Bizman62 said:

    Opinions seem to vary on that subject! Making a neck isn't basically more difficult but finessing the shape can be frustrating.


    9 hours ago, nakedzen said:

    IME making a neck is much easier than the body, don't be intimidated to make your own.

    Thank you both for the encouragement and advice. So I can get started on wood selection, what are the appropriate neck blank dimensions? Many I see are only 1 inch thick, which would seem to be too thin, even with a healthy fretboard.

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  2. After wet sanding, cutting and buffing. It is still wavy, but better than previous builds since this is the first time I did any sealing.

    You may notice areas to the right and left in between pickup routes that are light in color. The blank had fissures all the way through, so I patched them with glue and walnut dust.

    I followed the traditional control layout because I had already routed the control cavity, but I think the layout is poor. I will probably do something different next time. 







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  3. After a few rounds of Spraymax 2K spray. I wear a respirator, goggles, long sleeves pants....and a shower cap!

    Not shown - I  used Solarez "I Can't Believe It's Not Laquer" to seal. It worked out OK, but after reading here, and other sources,  I realize I don't know much about sealing and filling.  Any suggestions for good learning materials would be greatly appreciated.









  4. So I bought this walnut top because my employee and I were convinced we could see a floppy eared dog in the grain. So did my parents, and my mom asked me to name the guitar after her deceased doggie, Chloe. Here is the bookmatched top after glue up next to the 2 plywood cauls I cut for the top to back glue up. So do you see the dog image?








  5. 19 minutes ago, Bizman62 said:

    Thanks! Up/down indeed must be faster although I put mine left/right, maybe because of tradition. Slanted Tele switches may be targeted for hardcore Strat players... And the joy of a Gibby switch is that it can be slanted any direction! All that said, my understanding of using the switch during a certain song is very limited. I've seen vids about very good players switching amidst a solo, maybe because they think that certain positions on the fretboard require another pickup but for me that's something I can't judge.

    Yes, quick pickup switching and knob manipulation without losing time in the song is a skill set I have not mastered (among many others). As a home player, the pressure to execute does not happen unless I turn on that darn, unforgiving recoding device!

    BTW, there were so many posts and pics for which I wanted to hit like, but it seems I am presently limited in that regard. So let me say that I am both humbled and inspired by the work here. I look forward to raising my skills to the next level and the info on this forum will be of great help


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