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Posts posted by woodfab

  1. I used punched numbers on a few but, I was not happy with my results.

    I decided it was time to buy a CNC Router and now playing around for a few weeks I'm glad I bought it.

    Here's a few cuts after only my tenth try.

    Yes it will take awhile to recoup the cost.  



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  2. I just saw your reply,

    All 13 got cut up.  One got so close to playable. 

    Fixed all case veneer damage, six coats of lacquer, made new pin-block, re-finished plate. re-covered key-tops, new dampers,

    replaced all hammers, all new strings, etc.

    Then about three months of working on mating the hammers and dampers to the strings, string stretching and tuning. 

    Well after all that I felt it was time to throw in the towel.





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  3. My wife thinks that since I'm getting up there in age that I should get a Saw Stop.

    I haven had a crazy shop accident in quite. a while and thought that "don't put your hand near the blade and you won't get cut".

    I won't tell her what happened this morning. Not that a Saw Stop would help in a router accident.

    I made two mistakes,

    1.  I only put the router bit in about 1/2" into the collet.

    2. I didn't pay enough attention to the hold down bolts on my jig.

    Well, Bang, I hit the bolt with the router bit, the router bit pulled out of the router and hit me pretty hard below the belt.

    Lucky it  was cold outside and I had enough layers on which saved me from getting cut.



    router bit 2.jpg

    Router bit 1.jpg

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  4. Maybe you can make it look intentional. 

    Change the shape of it or add more circles.

    I tried several times to repair the veneer on a piano and it always looked like a repair.

    So I cut it out a shape and fit in a decorate piece of veneer. 



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  5. That neck router jig looks pretty good.

    I 'm attempting to make my jig so it can be used even if the body is on the guitar.

    I dug through my junk and found some heavier rails and bearings.

    I'm ready for the 1st. test on a piece of mahogany.

    I don't want to spend to much time on dust collection until I know it will do the job.




  6. OK, I hate rounding necks.

    So after thinking about for a while I came up with this router jig.

    Well it failed big time. The router is mounted on two 8mm rails which I had kicking around, which seamed OK.

    Once I started cutting the router jumped all over the surface, under cutting and over cutting. ARRRRRRRRRR!

    Well tonight I'm ordering some heaver rails and bearings, maybe 5/8" rails.




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  7. I've been doing woodworking since I was 10.

    Got married and have had a wood shop for the last 40 years.

    Now the wife is saying she can't take the sawdust any more.

    My shop is in the basement and I have dust collection but she says it's not good enough.  

    It seems the dust doesn't bother me but she's not going to put up with it.

    I'm enjoying making guitars so I've been routing and sanding out side but now the winter is coming.

    ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! what's a boy to do? 

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