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  1. yea there is, but al lthose tutorials seem to be followed by a complete set up, and iw asn wandering if I could get away without that
  2. Hi again, I have rcently noticed loads of gunk on my fretbaord and have decided to remove it and oil it. Now, some questions. If I remove all the strings will I loose the tension in the FR (even If I block it with bottle caps or something) and the truss rob (especially concerned about this one)? I don't think I can clean it properly with strings on and I don't know how to (and don't want to break things trying to) set it up. Also, I was planning on giving it a going over with fine wire wool and then lemon oil - is this alright? (Its a rosewood board) Any replys would be great, Thanks in advance, Freestyler
  3. Yer I did think of having the holes drilled at an angle - I think it would prevent less breakages, but I don't think I'll be able to do it. I'm heading into some stores on monday to check out other guitars, get some measurements as you suggested and rack the guitar techs for info and prices.
  4. So, I'm going to try and get my hand on some figured maple (tiger maple, that what its called?) and glue that to the top of a piece of this mahogany and make my guitar out of that. Failing this I'll just glue another piece of mahogany on top - nothign wrong with this, right? I have decided to go with a Jem shaped guitar (But without the handle), 2 humbuckers and a string thru hardtail. I was also thinking of adding some black binding, painting the back and sides of the body black and the maple top in a transparent grey finish (unless I don't use the maple, then it will just be solid grey. The neck will be made of maple with either a rosewood or maple fretboard died black (I want the look but not sound or feel of ebony), and will have 24 (or 26 - unique!) frets, with an inlay only on the 12th and 24th. Wish me luck
  5. Ah right, I get ya now. Didn't think of that type of bridge being a string-thru. Thanks.
  6. Hi, again. Firstly, sorry for starting another thread so soon. Secondly, I am in the next few days going to go in search of some mahogany to build my custom guitar from. What should I be looking out for in terms of what makes good tonewood (apart from it having no knots in it). Does it matter where the wood grew? Will glueing two pieces together make any difference? (For example, my grandad who is a carpenter has some mahogany in his garage he said I can have. It has no knots or anything but its abut 15mm to thin - would there be any problems glueing two pieces together to make the correct thickness. The pieces would be professionaly joined and according to him they 'will act as 1 piece of wood' but this will still affect the tone surley? THis wood is also currently in the shape of cabinet doors - any issues?) Do I need to try and buy wood from a certain country? I hear alot about Brazillian and American woods being used for guitars. Oh and one more thing, apparently you can no longer get new Mahogany in England (it is illegal to cut it down now), but he can get an offcut/used piece the size I need for under £10, this seems far too cheap compared to guitar woods on wesbites - whats so epcial about them !? Thanks, Freestyler.
  7. Thanks guys! Reaper, not meaning to insult your intlligence, but that bridge looks nothing like any bridge I've ever seen on a string-thru...
  8. Hi, I am considering building my own guitar but first am pricing up the parts. My plan is to have a Jem shaped guitar with string-thru-body (example: http://www.ibanez.com/guitars/guitar.asp?m...odel=AXS32&z=y), however I can't find any information on how to do this. What type of bridge is used? Is it the same as on a guitar that would have a tailpiece, except the strings just go through the body? Does it matter where the holes are drilled? For instance, looking on differnet guitar models the 6 holes that go through the body are drilled in different patterns - is there any special reason for this? Where cna I get the eyelets that protect the edges of the holes? (are there eyelets used as protection, or is it just a neatly finished hole?) Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am looking forward to starting this project ASAP! Thanks, Freestyler [EDIT: Would a bridge such as this be suitable? http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Bridges,_tailp..._Tailpiece.html )
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