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Everything posted by jonnyw

  1. WOW! thanks so much! im very close to buying one, what im going to do now is bring a ruler to my guitar shop and check that the westfield sg's stopbar and bridge are the same width apart as the gibson, is there any chance any Gison sg owners out there could help me out? it may be a few days before i call into my nearest shop.... if any of you own an sg, could you measure the distance from the bridge bolt to the stopbar bolt and put me out of my worrying? please! thanks so much!!! And thank you "redwhiteandthemaple" for that link! im really interested in one now!! im so close!!
  2. The Les Paul floyd rose can be found here... kramer (scroll down till you see the les paul floyd rose)
  3. hey guys im just new as of last night, and i didnt get time to post, but as you can see my names jonny, i'm a 16 year old guitar player from Ireland, i play Satriani-type style playing in my band RSi. Ive fallen in love with floyd rose bridges, and really i'd like to ask anybody out there if they could give me a little advice on a little project im considering undertaking... Ive an Ibanez EDR470ex ergodyne guitar, which is my baby. it as you will all know has a floyd rose. My backup guitar is a Shine SIL62 wich, again has a floyd rose. im considering modding up a very old little westfield sg i owned when i started guitar playing 8 years ago. I used to love SG's and still do love their shape, but im sick of tune-o-matic bridges, and well, i'd like to ask if it is humanly possible to stick a floyd rose on one.... im also planning to respray the head (Covering up the logo, and having a designer freind of mine spray on a design and my signature. im also planning on installing seymour duncan invader humbuckers.) so basically, can you put a floyd rose on an sg? can you buy ones without having to cut up the body? ive heard you can get ones for les pauls, so surely its the same principle,.. right?
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