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Everything posted by hyunsu

  1. today's my work.. i try.. no trusroad & no fingerboard. Only sugar maple neck.. i satisfy with maple neck sound.. so no want trusroard & fingerboard.. it is not easy for neck condition.. but when neck condition is not good.. i will repair ^^ and i make this neck 0 fret thick is 22mm ^^ my hand is big.. so no matter for me to play guitar.. have nice day..
  2. hi.. i know Shellack for Classic guitar.. Reason is thin finish.. Classic Guitar is solid wood Top's vibration is very important.. so.. thin finish is need.. but electric Guitar is not to same Classic Guitar..
  3. hi... i get this maple free.. ^^... this maple is kickable . Wood Campany. when i view this wood.. i think.. this is cherry wood.. so.. i get this wood(cherry) ^^ when my woking room .. i use plan machine.. but i suprise.. this wood's smell is really sweet and this maple is really good season dried.. it is not good texture.. but i satisfy this wood.. than querterswan hard maple or birtheyes maple.. anyone make neck Sugar maple..?
  4. today's my woking.. yesterday body laminated.. and today. cut body . use jigsaw.. and use router.. stright bit. & ball bareing bit.. my sample pic.. my router bit, and use template small than realsize 1~2mm and sanding this is no need templater.. Neck is walnut have nice day.. all friends..
  5. thank to myka.. when i watch your pic .. and study.. it is not easy, show your woking and your know how ? T_T i'm hungry your pic.. i think your will really good man..
  6. this body need more dry... body is no action for neck is complate.. only dry.. ^^ have nice weekend.. i think.. good guitar is by lovely guitar.. Guitar love will make world vest.. i suprise hi bk, the guitars you made look beautiful. you have learned your craft well. it is sometimes difficult to make good looking guitars that sound good too. you asked how we can keep quality high. we are a small company, and i am very involved in making guitars. what i enjoy is making guitars, not being a business man. i like doing all parts of guitar making, so there is no part that is too plain or simple for me to do. all parts of the process are important. a beautiful is of no value if the wood parts do not work well together. if you start your own business, remember to do what you love, and you will have a happy life. you may not be wealthy, but you will be happy. tom this mail from TomAnderson... and BK is Korean Guitar company CNC Programmer.. i feel Tom's Mind.. and Respect him..
  7. yesterday fretting is done.. and wait status 1week. watch frett status.. this frett is too tight inerted in to Fingerboard. T_T
  8. thank to Primal.. but i'm student, and i 'm not pro.. when i 'm more skill.. it will be enable... and this bass pickup will be supply for my Frineds.. i dont know bass pickup..
  9. i start first bass.. this photo is joke ^^ body is 1PC or 2PC maple body.. neck will be sapele and ebony Fingerboard.. have nice day. i will go to sleep.. bye..
  10. hi.. this pic is 1 board wood.. and cut and make 2 neck.. but sound is really diffrent ^^ one is bright and one is not bright.. i think wood's sound is not same.. i think.. wood selection is important..
  11. hi.. MzI fingerboard and neck is laminated by glue.. (titebond) but titebond have moisture.. when fingerboard & neck is planned. and it is stright.. but when glueing.. neck & fingerboard wood supply moisture.. and have moisture is reason of neck moving.. normaly back bow .. and time is gone.. it will stright or back bow.. when this my woking is end.. (current pic work) and bulk neck back making .. neck is moving.. 2~3Weeks. and 2~3 weeks gone.. wood removing is end.. so need time.. ^^
  12. using sandpapper #80 - #120 or #180 - #220 - #320 working is diagonal .. it is make smooth neck grip... my expression limit.. T_T all sendpapper is diagonal .. but this is #320 finally. first #320 is diagonal some time need stright.. and some time need diagonal sendpapper is ended.. when bulk neck grip making is end.. i dont wait wood's final status. so use sending shiler ? NC rocker ? lackquer ? ^^ one time paint.. ^^ and current finish is removed.. ^^ and finally dry.. in my home.. out.. sunshine.. & moon light ^^ but not direct sunshine.. and this making is not end.. it is pre neck grip making.. this neck is need 2~3weeks time for neck's stable.. when time is gone.. check fingerboard status and make radius and have stable time.. and check radious and fretting.. checking neck stright status.. today.. this pic is all my office job end.. and go home eat dinner and go my working room.. 20:00 ~ 01:00 working. good night.. friends..
  13. hi.. my neck making.. photo.. my method is not tutorial.. only my work type.. copy head use Adobe photoshop.. photo shop menu include PrintPrieview.. use this menu and check 0 fret size of printed paper.. make template from MDF do not adjust for neck wood.. pre test wasted wood.. result of router template.. my only router use work is head making.. cut by knife.. head & body joint area.. use spokeshave.. stright work.. dont stop .. stright .... T_T it is my expression limmit..
  14. dont hurry up.. 100 thinking and 1 action.. make your guitar in your head and compleate, make it..
  15. i have bandsaw but it is small.. only neck size wood is enable saw.. but hard wood not saw.. T_T i have many curly maple.. but i have no big bandsaw.. so i dont make bookmatch.. so i will try find sawing my wood for bookmatch.. and my handsaw is taked 30min ? and some dripping with sweat and yesterday(SunDay) i big mistake.. for my musicman copy.. i try some edit body safe use router.. but router eat my template.. and eat my body T_T today i will post my mistake.. machine is quick.. but really damage is big.. so i am need too many practice.. T_T to be continue..
  16. ^^ when fingerboard glue.. fingerboard is moving.. so i try.. screw? .. have nice day.
  17. thank to Myka.. when i see your pic , i feel happy .. your good work.. beatifull.. thank to shaw your pic..
  18. yes.. headstock is asymmetrical.. ^^ so i adjustment headstock.. and some modify..
  19. this pic is 1 painted NC Laquar? T_T (Spelling is too difficult.. ) and pic end i remove NC Lacquar.. today head & neck back is done.. and this neck wait for stability 2~3 weeks make radious use planner, and use radius bluck.. and fretting.. this guitar is need time ^^ neck wood is curly soft maple.. so fingerboard thick is 6~7mm . i think sound is not bed.. almost same to hardmaple + rose or Maple fingerboard. good night..
  20. i use router .. use template.. and my once router depth is 5mm, pickup hole switch box, springbox ,, 5mm,, 5mm 5mm ^^
  21. thank.. today, when my office job is end. i will make head , use router.. have nice day.
  22. Thank.. all friends... GregP.. your mean is my mean ^^ "If you 'break even', you get to practice making a guitar without paying for the materials, at least." i thank to my order he give me my practice chance for me. ^^ i 'am happy to making guitar. for not money.. and spruce is order's wood.. he get this wood and send to me.. ^^ it is not bed.(bad ?) . some hope is more thick spurce.. almost wood is maple .. so sound is will be hightone... T_T thank..
  23. 2PC soft curly maple.. and soft maple is not dense.. so use ebony.. and scafed neck joint ? Gibson styles neck is too many broken head.. and loose wood.. so scafed neck joint use. today i will laminated Fingerboad. and shafe neck back (bulk style) and wait for 3 week.. seasonning. for neck wood.. and radius and fretting.. and finish will Lacquer(?) .. and use spray Gun.. when my guitar making is not burden but first order is impose a heavy burden if it is cheap but burden is not cheap.. he is student so only 120$ .. i think.. he do not order me.. i will make guitar waste money.. have a good time.. bye..
  24. this guitar is my first custom order guitar.. order is bigginer player.. highschool . custom order man give me hi's spuruce back.. he wanted his spuruce ^^ it is my first time custom order.. he dont have tool & wood.. only have spuruce back.. so i try.. First Cutom order..
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