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Patrick Deno

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Posts posted by Patrick Deno

  1. I picked the Revolver. I like Super Str@t shred machines. The one I'd prolly buy (if I had the money) would be, hands down, the REVOLVER PRO 7. 7 String strat with onboard sustainer = no contest, and the price is pretty descent too.

    Other models that caught my eye were

    1) the Dragonfly - a little too fat and round for my tastes but not a bad looking guitar.

    2) The Revelle - I don't know why but I like this design. Kind of cool in a strange sort of way.

    3) The Vortex - now personally I don't like V's for playing, way too uncomfortable for me, but they look hot.

    But that Vertigo model ... YEEEICK! That's gotta be one of the ugliest axes I've seen in a very long time. That's my personal taste talking, though.

    rock LJ

  2. I am not real sure I want a bottle of anyone's nut sauce :D I just have this really nasty visual of some fat guy sitting in a Lazyboy in a bottling factory wearing a Carona t-shirt stained with last night's barbeque and a "**** You" hat - and no pants - in front of him teaters a mountain of magazines and spam vids on top of a circa '68 console telelvision, surrounded by hand cream bottles and kleenex boxes for spillage control.

    NOT something I wanna be spreading over my axe I don't think :o :o :o


    rock LJ

  3. Yep, it's 2am here. All the bottle rockets are gone and all the guests are over getting drunk at the NEIGHBOR'S house (thank gawd for small favors) after having spent the entire night here with all their brats trashing the place.

    "Here Toby, this is what we call an M-80 back home. Here's 6 of 'em and here's a lighter. Remember how ya trashed the front room earlier tonight and then tried to blame it on my son? Good. Now, when you light these all at the same time make sure you don't bother throwing them, just hold on REAL tight. Or better yet, put them all in your pockets ... (that way you won't multiply, you little shithead)." ... *REAL evil fooking grin*

    Naturally, as soon as it's time for the kids to go to bed the guests dissapear. I guess it was ok to turn our house into the war zone but come time for fun it's off to the next house. I hate "friends" like that.

    Next year we're taking our kids to our friends` houses, one after the other, and we're gonna make sure they burn the moogerfoogers down. B)

    Happy New Year everyone! :D

  4. I wonder if the town's residents are part of the deal and do they know about this? Oh, the possibilites!

    "I don't personally care about your problems Mr. Smith, I own your daughter lock, stock and well shaped butt. As a matter of fact I own all the daughters and wives in this town ... and you too come to think of it!"


    Ahh, it's good to be king.

    rock LJ

  5. Jem7CVBK (customized Jem7DBK with chrome vine inlay)


    Morley - Bad Horsie wah

    Digitech - XP100 Wammy/wah


    Digitech - 2112 SGS - Tube preamp & effects unit

    Phonic - PEQ3400 - studio rack EQ

    PCL - PP-66 - Stereo 2x100W rack power amp


    Marshall 1960a 4x12" speaker cabinet

    Pictures here:

    The Lord's Rig B)

    :D LJ

  6. I have SOOO many questions and don't really know who to ask.

    I've done a lot of reading up on the 2112/20 over the last few days and have come across a consensus that the factory tubes these things ship with are **** straight out of the box (what else would you expect from Sovtek? :D) We have 3 different brands of tubes that I can replace them with at the shop, which would you think would be best for power metal/speed/metalli-chunk type music? B)

    1) Mesa Boogie (I'm leaning towards these personally but they're expensive!)

    2) Sovtek (Again? But maybe a better, matched set?)

    3) Electro Harmonix.

    What do you think?

    Which type should I get?



    12AX7 WA

    12 AX 7 WXT-PS

    12 AX7 WB


    I have NO clue since I've never owned anything with tubes in them before. What's the difference between these little magic mounds of glass and metal?

    How do I go about changing them? Or should I just have my repair workshop buds do it? I've heard some say you MUST get them biased (????) or you'll screw up your amp/unit and others say you can do it yourself because it makes no difference whatsoever. :D


    Welcome to the land of tube alchemy and psuedo-science LJ, now you're really phukt! :D

    :D LJ

  7. I'm right with you although you now have more gear than I do, but I did have all Rack going into tube amps with a midi controller for the floor board and expression pedals.

    Ummmmmmm ... then you picked the wrong one .... :D You should have picked "tube amp with rack effects unit(s)". :D

    Just thought I'd point that out *grins*

    B) LJ

  8. Personally I've never been able to really hear the difference between tube and non so I've always gone for all-in-one rack/floor units into a power amp.

    Now that I'm gonna have tubes in my all-in-one unit I'll prolly stick with it ... LOL.

    B) LJ

    P.S. Stomp boxes = land mines - sorry about that :D

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