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Posts posted by rjhalsey

  1. Still trying to clear out everything and I don't think these high gas prices are helping sales.

    Just added a bunch of Mahogany that I found, as well as plenty of strips for Laminate necks and bodies, as well as a bit of Mahogany body wood.

    Slowly but surely, I'm clearing out a lot of wood that I've had for a while. Some of the really oddball sized pieces may be showing up soon.

    thanks for reading,



    Do you have any black limba or korina?



  2. Swamp Ash is ash trees that grow in swampy areas. It takes in allot of water so when it is dried out it is very porous and light. Most swamp ash averages 2.2 to 3.2 pounds per board foot. I prefer it to be around 2.5 pounds per board foot.


  3. Hey rjhalsey,

    I see you a lot on the Reranch forum, but I didn't know you were over here.

    Anyway, I've been debating over pickups for my Tele build. I'll likely go with Tonerider's, but I'm not sure about which set.

    The pickup combo will look like this:

    (Bridge: Tele Bridge) (Middle: P90) (Neck: Tele neck)

    I'm debating on which Tele set to get. What is your opinion of each?



    I would go with the Tele Hot Classics Set with a Hybrid P-90 bridge pickup! This will be one hot versatile guitar!



  4. i have bought a set of duncans in ebay alnco pro2 for strat and the hole deal cost me 140 $ including the shipping . and its a bug brand pups so the tone rider is not cheap and fenfer pups cost even less then 130 $

    Do you own a set of Toneriders? If so which set? These pickups are made with quality parts. Alnico magnets, wire, bobbins, hook up wire. Thats why I sell them.

    I have had the opportunity to talk with Andrew Cunningham GM of Tonerider and their goal is to make the best pickup that any working musician can afford. They are quality built with top of the line parts most manufactured right in their plant. I think they have done it and I love these pickups. I have started to use them exclusively in my own branded guitars (RH Factor Guitars). That is how confident I am in the quality of these pickups.

    If you are interested in purchasing a set of these pickups, shoot me an email. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed.



  5. hii guys these pups are not cheap they cost almost like dender and seymor duncan i have heard the sound clpis of the tonerider and dor me they are way far from the duncan

    set for a set and they cost the same . tonerider are nice but not for this price

    I do not think so. A strat set can be had for 85.00 shipped. Try that with a set of Fenders and SD's.

  6. I'm certainly not a fan of crippling our workforce by moving all of our labor to other countries, but I do agree that pickups can be extremely pricey. I mean $100 for a *single* pickup? Maybe it is just me, but that is just too much. As for the Tonerider's, I've read of quite a few people replacing their Lollar's and Fralin's with them. They're not as popular as GFS pickups yet, but they've received virtually universal praise from those who have used them.


    I build guitars, and I try to give someone the best guitar for the money. I was having a hard time finding a decent set of pickups that were worth anything below the 100 dollar mark. I ran across a few testimonials from some players in Canada and Italy and thought that sounds like a decent pickup. I ordered a few sets from the Canadian dealer and gave them a try. I was literately shock at the tone that these pickups put out. I then set out to become a dealer. Guys! Give them a try, I guarantee you will not be disappointed.



  7. Does anyone know of a really good after market pickup that compares to those of a good name brand pickup. It seems to me that pickups are really expensive,isn't their any overseas company with lower over head lower labour rates that could pump out a pickup with the same quality? It seems a lot of pickups are over price simply because of their names .Thanks

    Check out Tonerider pickups. One of the members here (rjhalsey) is a dealer. He'll treat you right. :D

    I sure will. I have to say that Tonerider pickups will hold their own with the best of them. I have an add in the the classified section or send me an email.



  8. I got several sets of Tonerider pickups in. These are the bomb for the money. I have limited quantities till my next order. First come first serve. To check out discriptions and sound clips go to www.tonerider.com




    New Prices. Go to http://rhfactorguitars.mybisi.com/ to purchase!

    Priced well below list Prices Includes Shipping! Price Listed is for a Complete Set!

    To ask a question email me at tonerider@rhfactorguitars.com


  9. Guys and gals I need help. I have been searching the web looking for an article that was on guitarfrenzy.com and can not find it anywhere. The article is called "How to Build a Neck Jig". If anyone has a copy of it with pictures or can lead me to where I can download it I would be very appreciative. I found the archived page from Google but it does not display the pictures and only includes the first page of the article.

    Thanks in advance.



    Why don't you just ask him nicely through PM or e-mail? Let me give you a hint, Matt's login name on PG is "Guitarfrenzy" He's actually quite a nice guy.

    I did through email and PMed here on this forum. I got a reply from him once stating he was going to put the site back up and that was the last I heard from him, that was in August or September of last year. I tried to send him a PM and even emailed him a couple of weeks ago but I have yet to receive a reply. I guess I will just keep looking. Thanks guys.



  10. Guys and gals I need help. I have been searching the web looking for an article that was on guitarfrenzy.com and can not find it anywhere. The article is called "How to Build a Neck Jig". If anyone has a copy of it with pictures or can lead me to where I can download it I would be very appreciative. I found the archived page from Google but it does not display the pictures and only includes the first page of the article.

    Thanks in advance.



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