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Posts posted by ceve4life

  1. I've been thinking about building my first acoustic guitar for awhile but haven't because building the neck bothered me. I was thinking, is it recommended to build the body and buy a neck or if I'm no willing to slave over a neck then it's not even worth bothering with? If anyone knows a really good site for buidling an acoustic guitar with step by step instructions, that would be great.


  2. I hate to ask, but is there a difference if something is a preamp? I'm just trying to learn all the aspects before I buy a tube amp. Some say all-tube preamp and some don't. It just makes me curious if there are two different types of tube out there.. Thanks.

  3. Thanks. I think I might buy a Fender Blonde Blues amp. If anyone has this one and feels that it has some pro or cons worth mentioning, please do-but from what I hear It's a really awesome amp.

    Are you talking about the blues junior or the blues deluxe? I've played the junior in a store and it was amazing. If I had $400 I would have taken it home. I've never played the blues deluxe so I can't help you there.

    I was actually considering them both depending on what people had to say about them. If one is generally considered by most people as a better buy then I swing towards that one. But I'm sure that I'd be happy with either.

  4. I was recently told by someone that a 15w tube is about as loud as a 60w solid-state. Are the tubes louder than solid-states with less watts? If so, then that means I can spend less money on a less expensive amp because I thought if I wanted a loud tube amp, I'd have to get a 100w one. Thanks.

  5. People come from different styles of putting together music, and I've seen many since I'm going to school to be a music producer. What it sounds like you're doing is writing a verse riff and then a chorus riff seperatly, finalizing it, and then trying to make it fit over a drum beat. Many times this is (and in my opinion) laziness. Just because you like what YOU wrote the first time doesn't mean it works with whatever else is being played. Kinda of like trying to put a square into a circle. You just have to simply change it, or change the drum rythem from 4/4 to 6/8 or whatever it might take. Most famous musicians 99.9% of the time end up using completely different rythems and sounds than they originally started with on a picticular song. Just because you started it one way doesn't mean that it cannot changed. I hope this helps and I hope I understood where you were coming from.

  6. When I first changed strings on my Fender, I had never work with a floyd rose system before, when restringing, I looked down and to my dismay the bridge was sticking up at about a 35 degree angle because I kept trying to tune it. The whole thing was by accident because I wasn't paying attention. Now whenever I use the w-bar, it never returns to the pitch it was in. I have three springs in the back so I'm sure I have enough tension. Do you think that I bent it? That's what I'm guessing and I'm thinking about buying a new floyd rose system, but I'd thought I'd ask just in case someone has a trick.

  7. I have Sonar 4 Studio Edition and it works pretty well. Like anything else, you just have to get use to it. And like anything else again, it does the same stuff more or less that everything else already does. My thought would be to question what the easier use of what software to understand. If you have pro tools, then you have enough in terms of editing, but if you want software effects and video input then you're going to have to pay extra with any software program.

  8. I'm looking for an amp for a cheap cost but is about around 30 watts or so, the problem is, everything that I look at on musiciansfriend is driving me crazy because it almost seems that nothing as a "line out" for recording. "Headphone Out" seems for common. What do people record with out there? Don't tell me that "line out" only comes with the more expensive combo amps. If anyone can help me find my way as to what I should look for, please tell me.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. I just started fingerpicking and was wondering whats the right hand position (or the best position). I've heard the thumb should pick the E and A strings, index for the D, middle for the G, and third for the B and not to use my pinkie. I'm not really sure of any good techniques to learn from, such as what angle the hand should be positioned at. If anyone wouldn't mind helping me out, please do. Thanks.

  10. I just started learning Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" and although the finger picking isn't that hard, it's the part that I have to place the pick somewhere. Where would you suggest putting the pick before using it. Because it's hard to get to in the palm of my hand when I have to switch from fingers to pick, and I can't exactly sing well holding a pick in my mouth either. Some advice would help. Thanks.

  11. Do you think that it is wise to buy a low-end guitar like a strat or les paul and buy the same pickups thats in the high-end guitars in the same bodies to make them just as good? Or is that a bad idea? I think it would be cheaper because the pickups aren't that much by themselves compared to when you buy the high-end guitars with them already in them.

  12. I've been wanting a Gibson Les Paul for a while and frequently look at them online, but, almost all of them have the same pickups and I don't know which is best for what sound out of guitar. I always see somekind of 490, 496 498 or 500. Whats the difference? And what's the difference between ceramic and alnico wires in terms of sound. This would be greatly appreciated.


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