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oz tradie

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Posts posted by oz tradie

  1. In the interest of promoting healthy debate/conversation,

    when does a Telecaster cease being a Tele ? :D

    As soon as you mod it ? (eg. change bridge or route out for hummies?)

    I probably identify more with the shape as being a tele than the hardware.

    But then again I'm a lefty in Oz, never played one and Lefty tele's are rare down yonder. :D

  2. I heard that too.

    I've heard the factory in Korea build bodies and necks for a heap of companies,

    ship 'em to the states, then finish them off there.

    That's just good business I guess :D

  3. A good quality, sharp chisel is an absolute joy to use. And with the right tools, and touchups AS SOON AS the chisel goes the slightest bit dull, they're not hard to keep in that condition.

    I use all types of powered toys during the day, but I've gotta say the chisels get the most work.

    And the sharper the chisel, the SAFER it is to use too.

    I always keep a fine grade handled diamond file in my nail bag , just so I can touch up the edges

    before they become too blunt to cut a clean easy edge.


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