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Posts posted by theQuestioneer

  1. you will probably be dissapointed.the demon is made for george lynch's sound and is pretty weak.and i have learned that pretty much anything with distortion in the name is pretty much noisy and dry.

    how is the demon compared to other passives, though? you seem to be saying it dosn't live up to actives, but if i'm trying to get a good sound, and am only using passives, would it still not be a good choice. this is the demon, not the distortion that i'm talking about.

    what if i branch out into slightly less heavy stuff, do you think it would work better for that?

  2. :D alright im working on my first guitar, and one thing i dont quite get is the ground to the bridge. am i just supposed to drill a hole from under the bridge to the electronics cavity, and then solder the ground wire right onto the bottom? or is there some better way to do that? help, please oh and its a strat body with a hardtail bridge. i know it's bieng hardtail is important...
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