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Everything posted by Rk247

  1. Hello Out There, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rich. I am new to Project Guitar.com as of April 2006 and I have to say this website Kicks my Ass!! I am currently designing & fine-tuning the details of my soon-to-be Custom Superstrat Electric Guitar. I was already in the process of designing my custom guitar when I stumbled on this website & I haven't left it for the past two months! I love it!!, & I have been checking out all of the How-To Projects info & all the seemingly endless links. Incredible!! I hope to become an active member & participant in your community of Guitar enthusiasts. I currently own 12 guitars & soon I will be copying all of my guitars and remaking them with my special mods & upgrades thanks to your website. I hope to contact & network with all of the local Project Guitar members in the New York City & Tri-State area. I am currently getting all of the proper tools of the trade (Craftsman 1 H.P. Industrial Router-Check!, Dremel 395 with Flex-Shaft-Check!, Tablesaw- Still Pricing, Belt Sander- Still Pricing, ...) & I hope to make my own Templates & Plans of my own guitars & those of my friends & their friends who are all peforming guitar & bass players in local bands. If anyone has any suggestions on who to go to to network & trade plans, templates, How-To tips, Shop Set-Up tips, whatever, by all means, get back to me. Also, as I said earlier, I currently own 12 guitars & I am willing to allow anyone in this community access to them to copy & trace their own templates, take measurements & make their own plans & take digital pictures of them. Hopefully some of you can help me out, and don't mind letting me make my own templates & taking measurements to make plans of your guitars. Anybody Up for that?, then Get back to ME!! Lets Rock!!!!!
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