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Posts posted by CrazyManAndy

  1. Poly cures much faster than nitro, but I wouldn't let cure time be my ruler for judging finishes. An important part of finishing is not rushing it.

    I don't really like poly either, and I think nitro looks better. Plus, nitro isn't as hard to get off if you decide to refinish it; poly is like glue. In any case, it isn't the end of the world if you end up not liking whatever you choose. The nice thing about a finish is that it can be redone until you like what you see (or you get tired of refinishing it :D).


  2. Tru-oil will pop the grain. The boiled linseed oil/DEFT will as well. Probably both about the same. It is really a matter of which you prefer. Tru-oil will give a satin like feel and will probably be less glossy. DEFT will give a harder (more protective) and glossier finish.

    Me personally, I would opt for a BLO/DEFT finish rather than Tru-oil. I like the idea of a longer lasting/harder and glossier finish. That and I don't mind the feel of lacquer (which some don't like).

    But, my opinions aside, I think you're good either way.

    And just to let you know, here is what cbaker said about that neck:

    "It is about 8 coats of linseed over a couple of days. I would wipe on a good coat, let it dry for about 3-4 hours and repeat till it seemed to not take anymore, then I put a lot of Bill's nitro clear on it."

    He is referring to ReRanch clear, but you can use DEFT.

    And once you get done spraying the clear, you only have to wait a month and then you can wet sand and polish it. Here is a nice tutorial on spraying lacquer:



  3. I believe it would also be worth using 250k pots as they offer a Warmer tone compared to 500k which are quite bright.

    or just turning the tone pot down a bit, to the same level as a 250 k

    Yeh, as my friend ChrisK advised me over at the guitarnuts forum, a 500k pot is like a 250k pot that goes to "12". Once you turn the pot down to about 8, you're at the top end of the 250k pot range.


  4. I can tell you, it will stand out with a stained translucent finish. Here is a very nice example:




    Here is an example of the boiled linseed with clear coat (props to cbaker over at the reranch forum):



    Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of a Tru-oil finish. I can tell you though, it won't be as glossy as lacquer and it isn't as tough. The main advantage to oil finishes is the ease of application and a nice feel, which is why they are mostly done on necks. But if you don't clear coat, I would recommend Tru-oil only, because it is the toughest finish and you can get a better gloss with it than you can with other oils.


  5. I guess you could just do a natural finish, but I never thought flamed maple tops looked that great just cleared over. I think you should go with a translucent burst. That would be rockin', IMHO.

    But if your going oil, I would use Tru-oil. Or you could use something like boiled linseed oil and clear coat over it.


  6. Speaking from what I've read,

    Limba is very similar to Mahogany, but with a few differences. Limba seems a little brighter/clearer, with more resonance/overtones, and a bit more bite or punch. Take from that what you will.

    Your neck wood is going to be important as well, probably more so.


  7. Yeah, tools is what will get ya in the wallet. The actual guitar parts and wood is only a small portion of what you will spend in tools. The nice thing is that you won't be buying new tools everytime and if you buy the right ones they will last a long time. It also depends on how easy you want to make things for yourself, some tools can be avoided, but it makes things more difficult and time consuming. What do you have tool wise so far? Bandsaw, router, planer, table saw, drill press, ect? Just for the inexpensive versions of those would probably be close to triple what your build price is so far, and those are just general tools not counting very specific tools or misc tools like clamps and such. I remember thats what shocked me most is the tool list and cost.

    Long before starting my first project I started buying the general tools, ones that had many uses including many outside of guitar building. As for the more specifc luthiery tools, I'v heard many people just suggest buying as you need them. If your on a specifc budget you must be very specific in what you buy to avoid having to buy certain tools and look for other ways to do things in order to avoid buying certain tools, for example some people use a router jig to thickness a body or neck blank, in using ideas like this you can avoid buying certain tools, which is a help when you know that you won't be doing a lot of building anytime soon.

    Anyhow, I'm sure you know all this, I was just relating as I was somewhat shocked at first at what I needed to spend in order to build. I've decided that this is most likely a lifelong hobby for me(for certain reasons) and I don't mind buying all the tools that will make it easier along the way. If it was a single build then I would beg, borrow, and build tons of jigs to avoid buying major tools. Well, I can't wait to see this project turn out, sounds like you got a good plan going, best of luck to you! J

    Thanks for the encouragement. About buying some tools only as I need them, seems like sound advice to me! I certainly hope I can make this a lifelong hobby as well (is there a better hobby? :D).


  8. Hey Rich,

    Binding tape, glue, sanding paper, etc. are all going on the tool/supply list I'm making. You're right about the shipping. My total went up after I noticed I left a few things I left off so it will be over 500 including shipping. I bet the tools will cost more than 500, but as you said that will vary on what I get/need. I'll know for sure once I finish the list. The neck blank I am getting from a local supplier I found and they have really good prices. They don't have Alder, unfortunately, so I'll probably get that online. Thanks for the input Rich, I really appreciate it.


    I'll brace myself for the prices :D


    That is a great link! Thanks for the resource.


  9. Hey biliousfrog,

    I see what your saying about the bulk stuff. I know it does work out cheaper in the long run, but I probably won't be doing much building for a little while after this first project because of previous engagements. And money is tight right now as it is. If I do need some more fretwire, I don't mind ordering a little more. And I do plan on making my own nut, so I'll buy a bunch of blanks (since I'll probably screw a few up).

    On the electronics, I will check out my local stores to see what I can get cheaper. Thanks for the tip!


  10. Nice idea for the inlays. And as far as the body plan goes, I don't mind paying 15 bucks for a nice plan.

    About the electronics, you just reminded me of something I forgot to put on the list. A DPDT on-on-on switch. My plan is this:


    The physical orientation of the parts is not how I'll have it, but the electronics are the same. That diagram will give me:

    "+" = parallel

    "x" = series

    toggle up, T-switch selects B+M, M+N, N+B

    toggle in center position, T-switch selects B, M, N

    toggle down, T-switch selects BxM, M, NxM

    Props to JohnH over at the guitarnuts forum for the idea.


  11. Hey guys,

    Well, it looks like I may be able to start my first project ever in the coming weeks. I've spent the last year soaking in info and what not and have learned a lot, especially from you guys. Its been hard though, since I have really no woodworking experience or electronics experience and thus no frame of reference. But I think it'll work out fine.

    Anyway, I have a project list here that I'm pretty sure has everything on it. I haven't made a tool/supply list yet, this is only a material list. So here ya go:

    CMA's Super Tele



    3x3 Tele Wiring Mod




    Tonerider Pickups; Set of 3 (TeleB/P90/TeleN) - 120.00



    Knobs - 10.00

    Tele jack cup - 8.95

    Solder - 2.39

    Electronics Wire (red) - 7.95

    String tree - 3.95

    String Ferrules - 6.95

    Strap locks - 10.45

    Tuners (probably Wilk. EZ-LOK) - 26.95



    Copper Tape - 10.00

    Nut - 3.30

    Hot Rod truss rod - 16.00

    Neck mounting ferrules - 10.31

    Neck mounting screws (x4) - 3.32

    Fretwire (Medium/Higher; 2ft x 3) - 9.63

    Binding - 4.75

    Megaswitch T-model - 15.95

    DPDT On-On-On switch - 12.53


    *Electronics* (specialtyguitars.com)

    500K pots (x2) - 10.00

    Hovland Cap (.047uF) - 11.90

    Shielded Wire (4ft) - 3.60


    *Guitar Parts Central*

    Tele Bridge (6-saddle) - 25.24



    Alder Body blank - 45.00-50.00

    Flamed maple neck blank - 7.00

    Fretboard (pre-slotted, radiused; Flamed maple) - 10.00-15.00


    *Finishing Supplies*

    ReRanch Sanding Sealer - 8.95

    ReRanch Nitro Color (Aerosol; Black) - 15.95

    Deft Nitro Clear Coat (Aerosol; 12 oz.) x 3 - 35.97



    Telecaster Plans - 15.00



    approx. $477.00

    I'm probably looking at around $500 including shipping. The price may vary though, depending on an possible changes and if I get some stuff locally. So any suggestions? I estimate tool expenses to be roughly the same.

    I'm am having a touch of trouble deciding what color scheme to go with. I was originally going to go with this:

    http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/schecter.htm (the black schecter)

    but I also like this:


    What do you guys think? Oh yeh, one last thing. I'm trying to decide on inlays on the fboard. Probably either no inlays or black dots?


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