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Posts posted by CrazyManAndy

  1. Nice guitar! Very clean and professional.

    I can't speak for him, but I think he means the actual f-hole. I love it (the f-hole), but something seems a little off about it. At first I just thought it was the design, but now I think it's the rubbing compound inside that is throwing me off. :D It's hard to tell.

    Regardless, great work!


  2. Thanks for the help guys!

    Very informative post, fryovanni. So, from what I can gather, as long as the wood is good quality and properly cut, either way is acceptable? I am looking for local dealers, but I don't think I can find any that sell kiln-dried wood. There is a local kiln that dries wood, however. In any case, how am I to tell if wood is "dry enough"?



  3. I may be wrong, but I don't see how it is the same amount of wood. The end product has the same amount, but you start out with different amounts of wood, right? For a one piece, you use just one board. For lam's, you need to get multiple boards, glue them, and then cut out the shape.

    Maybe I should restate my question. Will I notice considerable difference in stability between a one-piece (qtr. sawn) neck and a lam. neck?

    Sorry for the trouble.


  4. Howdy,

    I'm going to build a maple neck, but I'm unsure about what I am going to do. I wonder whether to get a one-piece or make a laminated neck. My main concerns are stability and price. I would like to make a flamed or birdseye one, but I don't really care to spend the money on something no one will see (for my first guitar, anyway). A one-piece would be cheaper, I believe, even a quarter sawn piece. How much more stable would a laminate neck be, if at all?

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a lot,


  5. Jeff Ament (of Pearl Jam; rock band) uses everything from a 4 string to a 12 string.

    Anyway, building a 5-string isn't much more complicated than a 4-string.

    What does he play (or want to play)? If you think he would really benefit from a 5-string, tell him that. If he still wants a 4-string, so be it. You can still build an excellent bass either way.


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