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Posts posted by www

  1. I will (next year, or so) be getting an 18" or 19" bandsaw (gotta pay off my new amp first). I need to start cutting up some of this maple I have sitting around.

    BigD I was looking at your web site and was reading your comments on all the people in the NW and their poorly dried wood. It just reminded me not to hurry with the bandsaw. I'll just let the wood dry somemore. :D

  2. A convert... Use cocobolo and ye shall be saved.. via the use of breathing protection... heard its some bad stuff to inhale. will it be ok if i do it in a shop? you only need to wear protection while ur working right? afterwards theres no risk eh? B)

    Wear breathing protection as long as their is dust in the shop!

    BTW< Cocobolo is fun to sand on. It sands easy and makes a nice gold dust.:D

  3. Thanks www, I missed the question, that's the one I have B)

    LGM let me know if you like the General line of tools. I guess you must you buy em, but I'd like to know after a few weeks worth of useif you still like them.

    I'd like to see a direct comparison to Grizzly. :D

  4. Hollowbodies for Jazz?  Ask Ted Nugent or Eric Clapton or Brian Setzer what kind of Jazz they play.  Heck, ask Chet Atkins what kind of Jazz he played.

    Personally, I don't know a lick of Jazz, but I play my 3 hollowbodies none the less.

    Van Kirk really has it right.  But I would emphasize one thing, and that is the feel of the guitar.  If it feels good you will play it, if it does not feel good you won't.

    Guitar Ed

    BTW: Ted, Eric, and Brian are rockers.  Chet was a country boy.

    I said generally! Not exclusively! B)

    I'm sure their are others that play a hollow bodies for rock. OH yeah me too!

    But look up jazz guitar and see what they look like. Surprise, they're hollow bodies.

    Read his post in the "Solid Body Guitar" chat to see where I was coming from. Here


  5. You asked a similar question and it was answered, but you don't want to listen. B)

    How many more times are you going to ask the same question?

    Hollowbody's are generally considered for jazz, although you can get more than just jazz sounds out of one. Is a hollowbody what you really want to play?

    If you really like the guitar than get it and quit worrying about sounding like Jimi or David. Create your own sounds. :D

  6. So what if I built guitar hangers that hung the guitars upside down from the body, you know, giant sized that holds the body in the horns, or in the waist of the guitar, if I design that and it becomes famous, will you have issues with how it affects the neck after that? :D

    Why then the tuning would be a hair "sharper"! B)

  7. A word of warning don't waste your money on a 50 bit set unless the set is of high quality. IMO buy a few super quality bits that will last a lot longer. You don't need 50 of them unless you're doing more than guitar work with them.

    BTW a 26 bit Freud set is in excess of $300.00. Most of which you may not ever use, but they are great bits.

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